Colloquium 10/20: Dustin Wygant

Julie Rubin and the Psychology Clinic are hosting the colloquium speaker on October 20, who will be involved with several additional events in conjunction with his visit; Julie writes:

We are excited to announce that Dr. Dustin Wygant, Director of Clinical Training at Eastern Kentucky University will be coming to spend the day with us on Friday, October 20, 2017. Dustin was in my undergraduate PSY 242 class here at Miami many years ago.

Dr. Wygant will be offering us an advanced workshop in the MMPI-2 RF, which he firmly believes is the future of the MMPI and talk to us about how it will eventually morph into the MMPI-3. He will give us a good introduction/overview of this Restructured Form of the MMPI-2, how to use it and understand the results and more specifically how it is used with individuals with personality disorders. This version of the MMPI-2 is currently in use in the VA system and we will be using it here in the Clinic.

This workshop will be open to our graduate students, clinical faculty, the Student Counseling Services staff and alums and will take place from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm location to be determined. CEUs will be available for the morning workshop and possibly colloquium. Please let us know if you are planning to attend.

Dr. Wygant will be available for lunch with graduate students and then at 1pm he will offer an opportunity to meet with undergraduates regarding his career as a forensic psychologist. Later in the day, at 3pm he will present at colloquium. He has titled his talk: The Psychopath Returns: From Cleckley to DSM-5.

Dr. Dustin Wygant is an Associate Professor of Psychology and is the Director of Clinical Training for the doctoral program in clinical psychology at Eastern Kentucky University. His research interests include the assessment and conceptualization of psychopathy, particularly in terms of the DSM-5 Section III trait model of personality disorders. He is also interested in the assessment of malingering of psychological symptoms in forensic psychological evaluations and the utility of psychological testing (primarily with the MMPI-2-RF) in forensic, correctional, and medical settings. Aside from his academic position, Dr. Wygant is a licensed clinical psychologist and regularly consults with attorneys and judges on forensic assessments for the court for issues such as competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and risk for violence.