Climate Justice talk on Thursday, April 21

The 2022 Drs. Gene & Carol Willeke Frontiers in Environmental Science Distinguished Lecture will be presented this year by Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali, who will be speaking on Earth Day Eve with a talk entitled, “Climate Justice and Community Revitalization: Progress, Challenges, Moving Forward.”

Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali is the Founder & CEO of Revitalization Strategies; Vice President of Environmental Justice, Climate, and Community Revitalization at the National Wildlife Federation; a Thought Leader and Activist for Environmental Justice. He served 24 years in the US EPA and was a founding member of the EPA Office of Environmental Justice where he served as Director of Communication and led the Communications and Stakeholder Involvement team.

The talk will be presented on zoom on Thursday, April 21, at 6 p.m. Please click here to register for this free talk.