M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN grant due Feb 1

From Heidi Bortel in Women’s Initiatives:

Students, staff and faculty members of any Miami University campus are encouraged to apply for a M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Giving Circle grant ranging from $2,500 to $20,000.
The deadline to apply is Feb. 1. Applications are available online.

Grant proposals may include programs, research, events, student organization projects and more.

M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN awarded nearly $104,000 in Giving Circle grants to students and faculty during the annual Leadership Symposium on April 12, 2018. Finalists pitched their projects the previous evening at the inaugural Hawk Tank event.

Project recipients from 2017-2018 included Miami Women’s Hockey ($20,000), Girls Who Code ($3,000), Leadership on Campus and Beyond ($9,126 ), Opening Minds through Art (OMA) ($7,500) and more.

All grant applications are reviewed by the M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN grants committee, a selection of individuals including faculty, Giving Circle Members and alumnae.

Grant finalists will present during the Hawk Tank fast-pitch event on April 10, 2019.