International Instructors: Teaching at Miami
When: Monday 11/12 @ 4pm
Where: McGuffey Hall 120
Description: Eight faculty Learning Community members, representing eight countries, will “share their utilization of multicompetences from differing global perspective and how it impacts their teaching strategies at Miami.”
International Education Week Keynote: The Power of a Simple Pair of Glasses
When: Monday 11/12 @ 6-9pm
Where: McGuffey Hall 322
Description: Dr. Jason Singh, who is the Senior Vice President of VisionWorks, will present the keynote address for International Education Week.
Safe Zone 101 Training
When: Tuesday 11/13 @ 5-7pm
Where: Wilks Conference Center 200, Hamilton campus
Description: “Safe Zone 101 is an informative, interactive workshop providing constructive strategies for creating a more inclusive campus for LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff.”
International Fest at Miami Regionals
When: Wednesday 11/14 @ 11:30am-3pm
Where: Wilks Conference Center, Miami Hamilton Campus
Description: The Miami Hamilton International Club, the Miami Middletown English Language Center, and the Miami Regionals Office of Diversity and Multicultural Services is celebrating International Education Week with food and cultural activities.
Emmett Till: Why His Story Matters
When: Wednesday 11/14 @ 4-5pm
Where: John E. Dolibois Room, Shriver Center
Description: Dr. Elliott J. Gorn will discuss his recent book entitled Let the People See: The Story of Emmett Till.
Urban-Rural Divide Art Museum Lecture
When: Wednesday 11/14 @ 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Miami University Art Museum
Description: Professor Stephen Conn will explore where the urban-rural divide came from, “what defines it, and what it all means today.”
Latin America in Transition: Voices from Today
When: Wednesday 11/14 @ 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Upham Hall 361
Description: This is a virtual, bilingual roundtable event, where “college students from across Latin America will provide firsthand testimonies of the political, environmental, and social conditions in their respective countries after returning from spending the past summer here on Miami’s campus, as selected members of the Studies of United States’ Institutions program.”
Untangling the Cultural Misconceptions about Your Hair (event 2)
When: Wednesday 11/14 @ 7-8:30pm
Where: Hillel, 11 E. Walnut St, Oxford, OH
Description: “This is the second event to learn about the ways that different cultures and ethnicities value and treat their hair, though month-long events in the form of panels, talks, and conversations.”
When: Wednesday 11/14 @ 7:30-9:30pm
Where: McGuffey Hall 322
Description: “The aim of Blinded is to have students engage in dialogue around issues of sexuality, spirituality, race and socio-economic status with facilitators present. Students are separated from friends or anyone they know, are seated across the room from one another in groups of five, and blindfolded. From there, facilitators lead the discussions in hopes that students will actively engage and learn more about their peers’ intersectionalities.”
Good Kids (theatre)
When: Wednesday 11/14 through Saturday 11/17 @ 7:30pm and Sunday 11/18 at 2pm
Where: Gates-Abegglen Theatre
Description: This play is based loosely on a sexual assault that happened to a teenage girl in Steubenville, Ohio. The play is intended for viewers to “come to terms with the realities of sexual assault, privilege, and victim blaming.”
Cost: $12 adult, $9 senior, $8 student (also note that this play is intended for mature audiences)
ISSS Thanksgiving Dinner
When: Thursday 11/15 @ 5:30-7pm
Where: John E. Dolibois Room, Shriver Center
Description: “This gathering serves as a time for international students and the Miami and Oxford communities to enjoy a traditional American Thanksgiving meal together.” If interested in attending, please register here.
Taste of Black Excellence
When: Saturday 11/17 @ 7-10pm
Where: McGuffey 322
Description: “This event is a showcase of the talent, culture, and food of the African diaspora. Come have a nice dinner while enjoying the talents of many students from Miami’s black community.”