Michael Hughes, manager of the Statistical Consulting Center, is soliciting proposals for analysis projects for his STA 475 course this semester. If you have current or backlogged data that might benefit from a supervised team of students, please let Michael know; he writes:
Advanced undergraduate statistics students (most in their final semester) enroll in STA 475. These students have had regression and experimental design (ANOVA) training, a statistical programming class, and other topics courses. Students in STA 475 work on problems brought to them by faculty members, graduate students and staff from university offices, and produce both oral and written presentations for clients and based on their analyses.
I am casting my net far and wide for projects. This could include, but isn’t restricted to: study design (e.g. determining sample sizes for a study, providing input on a survey or experimental design, etc.); data analysis (descriptive summaries, formal modeling);
report write-up and data visualizations