Leave requests due Oct. 27

Any and all faculty who are considering one-semester (Assigned Research Appointment) or full-year (Faculty Improvement Leave) leaves for the 2018-19 academic year need to submit materials to me by the end of business October 27. From the dean’s office, on process:

Like last year, I would like to ask that the leave requester add a 50 – 60 word abstract to the beginning of their 1-3 page summary of their request. They also need to attach their vita and a leave report if they have been granted one in the last 10 years. Please make sure that any of your faculty applying for leave are aware of the new abstract requirement.

The leave request form can be found on the Academic Personnel website in the forms library (Leaves & Time Off).

Faculty who are considering a leave request should consult with me prior to developing your request. Note that I need to ensure that a leave can be accommodated, and rank these when sending them to the dean. A brief discussion with each of those submitting will not only allow me to do so, but also to help you determine the best way to use this opportunity to maximize your professional development.