Important policy reminders, updates

As we get into the new academic year, I wanted to provide some important policy updates and reminders:

  • A simple cheat sheet with important reminders about purchasing policies and procedures can be found here.
  • Please make sure to send Quentin your syllabus by September 1. In preparing your syllabus, you should consider these important points:
    • If you are teaching 111, 221, 231, 241, 242, or 332, you should review the TAG guidelines for the course. These specify learning outcomes to provide state-mandated alignment of these courses across all institutions in Ohio.
    • You should include a statement in your syllabi regarding academic integrity (departmental statement here) and I strongly encourage you to consider promoting the departmental diversity statement as well.
    • Please think about statements in your syllabus regarding accommodations and accessibility. An interesting read on this topic recently appeared in the Chronicle (thanks Amy S.!)
  • Everyone should have received an email about the new reporting requirements for harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, and interpersonal violence. Please be on the lookout for email from OEEO regarding mandatory training for all faculty and GAs. I will provide more information on the blog as it is made available, or you can find additional information on the OEEO website.