Monthly Archives: July 2017

Regional neuroscience symposium

The 2017 Midwest/Great Lakes Undergraduate Regional Symposium (mGluRs) will be held at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, OH on SaturdaySeptember 30, 2017! This is a regional academic conference, exclusively for undergraduates, where students can present their neuroscience-related research, learn about work being done at other colleges and universities, and engage in professional development seminars. There will also be workshops for faculty who teach undergraduate neuroscience courses.

Details about the conference, registration and more will be posted soon on the conference webpage: Registration & Abstract submission opens July 14.

ALL reimbursements due within 60 days

Last year we were informed that travel reimbursements that are not filed within 60 days of the trip become taxable income, and hopefully everyone has been good about attending to this.

What we did not know at the time, and what was not clear from the information in the Purchases and Payment Handbook, is that ALL reimbursements past 60 days are taxable income to the recipient. This is not a Miami University policy, but rather a State of Ohio law. A revised Purchases and Payments Handbook will be coming out soon and it will clarify this fact. In other words, please make sure that all reimbursements are submitted as soon as possible, and definitely within 60 days.

This is also a good time to bring to your attention Section 1.02 of the Purchasing Policy which states, “it is specifically discouraged for employees to process requisitions for personal reimbursement of university supplies and/or services unless under the most extreme circumstances”

This means that faculty and staff should be using Purchase orders or a p-card for purchases and not making purchases themselves and seeking reimbursement afterwards, unless there are “extreme circumstances” that prevent them from doing so.

Please let Amy W. or me know if you have any questions.

Update your UCM expert profile

Lisa Dankovich at UCM has recently requested that we help to update the list of faculty experts that can be used for various news and media queries. Jason Barone (CAS communications) asks that you please take a few moments to complete this form if you would like to participate. Responses will be provided to UCM for use when these requests come in.

It would be great to have good representation on this list, and I think there are many issues for which we could provide good information. Jason would like to have a significant list by the middle of August. Please address any questions directly to him, or to Vaishali (external relations).