The major faculty research grant cycle is open, including summer research appointments, grad assistantships, and small grants. I would encourage everyone to consider these if you don’t already and are currently eligible (you may only receive one every four years). From the Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Research, by way of OARS:
The Faculty Research Grants Program encourages proposals addressing new avenues of research and scholarship either for the investigator or for the institution, initiating new projects and pilot studies, or testing novel or transformative research/creative ideas. The deadline for applying for the CFR Program is 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 20, 2017. Awards generally are announced in December. All continuing tenure-eligible or tenured faculty are eligible.
In particular, there is an important update starting with this funding cycle:
In keeping with broader university-wide diversity and inclusion efforts, a portion of available funds will be reserved for research, scholarship, or creative activities in the areas of social justice, human rights, diversity, and inclusion. Proposals in these areas must address a scholarly question that will lead to testable objectives or measurable outcomes. Regular eligibility criteria and applications procedures, as outlined in the CFR Program Guidelines, apply.