Author Archives: Stephen Norris

Victory Day and What It Means to be Russian

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By: Arabella Schwarber Victory Day – a 2018 documentary by Ukrainian director Sergei Loznitsa — opens in Berlin’s Treptower Park. Several groups of boys dressed in military uniforms practice military drills, marching in sync and saluting one another. They laugh … Continue reading

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On Watching Sergei Loznitsa’s “Austerlitz”

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By Lauren Coviello As someone who has always been fascinated by WWII and the Holocaust, I was very curious about the 2016 film “Austerlitz” by Sergei Loznitsa. I knew it was a documentary but I was surprised when there was … Continue reading

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Ukraine in Glasnost-era Victory Day Stories

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By Caden Wilcox Russian President Vladimir Putin has justified his war by claiming that Ukraine is “an inalienable part of our own history, culture, and spiritual space.” He also frequently refers to the shared fight in World War II as … Continue reading

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Patriarch Kirill’s War

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By: Gretchen Allman Russian government officials, business leaders, economic elites, oligarchs, and friends and family of Vladimir Putin all have something in common: they are being punished for their connections to Putin and the war in Ukraine through sanctions placed … Continue reading

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Conformity and Victimization in Putin’s Russia

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By Ana Davis An unyielding belief in eternal Russian innocence and a predetermined submission to authority is fueling Putin’s war and causing the death of thousands of Ukrainians. “We have never invaded anyone; we have only ever defended our borders!” … Continue reading

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How Social Media Allowed the World to See the Ukrainian-Russian War

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By Rachel Mancuso In the twenty-first century, we have information at our fingertips. We can get the news with the click of a button and instantly voice our opinions to thousands of people. One may speculate as to whether or … Continue reading

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