Congrats to Cricket Meehan and her team on $6M grant from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund

Congrats to Cricket Meehan and her team in the Center for School-Based Mental Health (including Debora Robison) and their colleagues in Miami’s Departments of Educational Psychology and Family Science and Social work for officially receiving word about their School Wellness Initiative grant to aid mental health and substance use for Ohio’s K-12 students and staff.

This $6 million from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund will support this project for 21 months throughout 2021 and 2022. The project seeks to address mental health issues that have grown worse during COVID, including establishing a Student Assistance Program, strengthening intervention efforts, and promoting mental well-being among school administrators and staff. The funding will support new personnel to help oversee the project and provide more than $1M in indirect costs for the university.

Congrats to Cricket, Debora, and the entire team for overseeing this important project! You can listen to an interview with Cricket that aired on WVXU/WMUB public radio on Jan 19.