Tag Archives: neuroscience

All-expenses paid training in computational neuroscience

This would be a great opportunity for graduate students interested in acquiring these techniques. All expenses including airfare and lodging are covered through NIH funding:

We would like to bring to your attention a one-week NIH funded Summer Short Course (14-20 July 2019) titled “Interdisciplinary Training in Computational Neuroscience” for pre- and post docs, medical students, and faculty from Biology, Psychology, Medicine, Engineering, Physics and Math interested in computational neuroscience.

The one-week NIH Summer course is absolutely free to the attendees, with airfare, lodging, meals everything paid by NIH.

We had approximately 70 applicants each year for the 24 positions/year during the past years. They were from multiple disciplines including Biological Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Physics and Mathematics.

The interdisciplinary computational neuroscience short course includes limited experimental and systems neurophysiology components. The background expected is high school level calculus and programming together with a strong interest in learning about computational/software. One of our goals is to introduce students/ faculty to the process of biologically-based modeling incorporating data related to cellular and synaptic neurophysiology.

The deadline for applications is February 15, 2019. An on-line application form and additional details can be found at the website.

Support the neuroscience curriculum! #MoveInMiami

Sheep brain dissections in PSY251 teach students the basics of neuroanatomy and help conceptualize the 3-dimensional structure of the brain. This experience creates a strong foundation for all upper-level neuroscience courses.

The second of our #MoveInMiami projects is to support the undergraduate neuroscience curriculum; the related page can be found here, and states:

Neuroscience is one of the most demanding fields in medicine and research, and is also incredibly popular among Miami undergraduates. Enrollment in the neuroscience co-major has steadily increased since its inception.

The behavioral neuroscience fund will expand experiential learning experiences across the neuroscience curriculum in the Psychology Department, including 200, 300, and 400 level courses.

Stay tuned for more about how you can help with this effort as well as the graduate student travel fund, our other #MoveInMiami project. This project was previously announced in this post describing the campaign.

Regional neuroscience symposium

The 2017 Midwest/Great Lakes Undergraduate Regional Symposium (mGluRs) will be held at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, OH on SaturdaySeptember 30, 2017! This is a regional academic conference, exclusively for undergraduates, where students can present their neuroscience-related research, learn about work being done at other colleges and universities, and engage in professional development seminars. There will also be workshops for faculty who teach undergraduate neuroscience courses.

Details about the conference, registration and more will be posted soon on the conference webpage: mglurs.org. Registration & Abstract submission opens July 14.