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Faculty and Miami University Press Readings

Two writers read from their poetry, MU Press poet Kathleen Peirce and Miami University Creative Writing Professor, Brian Ascalon Roley.

Kathleen Peirce’s awards include The AWP Award, The Iowa Prize, and the William Carlos Williams Award as well as Fellowships from the National Endowment of the Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation and the Whiting Foundation. She teaches in the MFA program at Texas State University. She reads from Lion’s Paw (Miami University Press 2021).

Brian Ascalon Roley reads from his chapbook Ambuscade (2021), which won the Finishing Line Press Open Competition from 350 manuscripts. His distinctions include fellowships from the National Endowment of the Arts, the Ohio Arts Council, the Djerassi Foundation, Cornell University and the University of Cambridge, among others.

Meet Your Professors! — Interview Three, Margaret Luongo

To finish out this series, I interviewed Margaret Luongo, Director of Creative Writing, Associate Professor of English, and advisor for my apprenticeship with the CW program. Since my first (and regrettably, only) class with her, I have experienced just how wise and kind she is and I am very glad I got to work more closely with her as part of my apprenticeship, especially now that it is coming to close along with the rest of my college career. I’m very thankful that I have been able to work with Prof. Luongo over this past year, and I hope you all enjoy learning a bit more about her!

-Lauren Miles

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