MFA student resources

Essential Links


According to Miami University’s Graduate School’s Statement of Student Responsibilities, your instructors and the university will expect you to: 

  • Work to the best of your ability and attend class according to the university regulations.
  • Be attentive during class and participate constructively in class work.
  • Complete the work you are assigned and submit it on time.
  • Prepare work that is honest, independent, and original.
  • Show respect and courtesy for them and fellow students while being open to the ideas of others.
  • Be open to constructive criticism directed at correcting your academic errors and developing your scholarly abilities.
  • Provide them with constructive criticism that is aimed at improving your learning experience.
  • Abide by university regulations prohibiting academic misconduct.
  • Endeavor to ensure that the learning environment is free from ableism, sexism, racism, and other forms of prejudice that negatively influence student learning.

ADDITIONAL MFA-program Specific Expectations

Workshop: Good citizenship = presence, attention, kindness and preparedness

Submitting work and peer responses per schedule

Attending readings & dept events: Consistent participation (and enthusiasm!)

Teaching: Preparation and consistent, in-person attendance (and enthusiasm!)

Staying on schedule with grading and comments 

Lots of support available: Comp office, CW faculty and peers, CTE, HCWE

Teaching Timeline: First year: Comp training and teaching Eng 111 

Second Year: Eng 607 (CW pedagogy training) and Eng 226

Thesis Timeline: First year: Choose advisor and committee, create rationale, write Second year: Write, read, revise and defend

Steps to Your MFA

(Important links from the Fall 2023  “Steps to Your MFA” presentation (by Cathy Wagner and TaraShea Nesbit), which has the info you need for moving through the rationale and thesis process and completing your degree.)

AWP Conference Registration links

Attending the AWP Conference is not a program expectation, and it’s not for everybody. But since several students typically attend, I have provided some tips and links here for the curious. Also feel free to ask faculty members and second years about their experiences.

Teaching Links:

  • King Library workshops you can arrange for your ENG226 classes.
  • In the creative writing section of ENG 607 (teacher training), we build an extensive resource library for teaching.