Tag Archives: Fiasco

A Frightening, Flammable Fiasco in the Far West (Act 2)

This week, we finished up our playthroughs of Fiasco! Picking up right where we left off after the Tilt, players ran through Act 2 and the Aftermath of their games. In the case of my group, we finally reached that climactic bank heist that had been built up all of Act 1 and concluded with a gun fight in the wild west, many dead, and everybody suffering just a little. It was a great time. Somehow, my character had the happiest ending because he took a bullet to the gut early on and managed to avoid the deadly final shootout that left all but one other player dead. Unfortunately, that other player was the infamous bounty hunter my character swore revenge on many years prior, so it wasn’t a “happy” ending.

The hardest part of Act 2 for me was accepting failure. The goal of the game is, of course, to come up with schemes that fail spectacularly. However, in the moment while playing the game, everyone is trying to achieve some degree of success and can bring the game slightly to a halt. A few examples from my game come to mind, but I’ll only talk about one. One player, whose character was in the spotlight, was trying to convinced another player’s character to come outside and follow him to the bank. He’d received a white die, signaling a positive outcome, but the scene ended with the second character fleeing out the back window and getting away. It stuck out to me as a case of going against the outcome die for the first player because the second player did not want to fail. Improvising involves a rule-of-thumb dubbed “yes, and…”, where people accept what is being done and continue with what has been set up. Playing Fiasco, it was really hard to say, “Yes, I will fail, and this is how it happens.”

One tie to leadership that Fiasco demonstrates well is encouraging healthy competition. Fiasco involves so much betrayal and player-against-player storytelling, but at the end of the day, it is a roleplaying game and everyone is there to have fun. I think it does really well encouraging people to go ahead with their plans, not take what others do too personally, and having an overall fun time regardless of what happens. Applying this to the real world, minor competition within a group can be beneficial because it pushes everyone involved to do better in their endeavors. As a leader, it is important to make sure, despite any rivalries, that everyone on all sides knows it is in good fun.

Having played through the second half of Fiasco, I would like to slightly adjust that kinds of people I previously said would enjoy the game. People who are comfortable improvising or don’t mind giving improv a try would enjoy playing the game. In addition to that, anybody who plays games to win and takes experiences that happen in games personally should steer away from Fiasco. Furthermore, anybody who would *make* a playthrough of Fiasco personal for other players should stay away. For those reasons, I can see Fiasco being enjoyed by groups of friends who are fine with giving each other grief and don’t mind being ridiculous with each other.

A Frightening, Flammable Fiasco in the Far West (Act 1)

Within the realm of tabletop gaming, role-playing games can be one of the most intimidating to players. Players either are given or create a character then assume the role of that character in personality, goals, dialogue, and so on. This Game of the Week, Fiasco, tasks 3 to 5 players with creating a web of relationships, needs, objects, and locations before setting them loose to act out scenes of criminal activity, low impulse control, and shenanigans. Depending on the playset, these characters can be from a variety of settings and backgrounds, but the majority of the time, they are terrible, terrible people making equally terrible decisions.

The hardest part about playing Fiasco was certainly the improvising. The game gives vague prompts and general details about the characters, relying on player creativity to figure out what that means for their characters and what they want to do or achieve. Scenes are thought up on the spot and acted out between the players immediately, with the only direction given to them either a white die signaling a good outcome or a black die signaling a bad outcome. Fortunately, once the ball gets rolling and the initial 2 or 3 scenes are completed, the direction of the story becomes more clear and everybody has a better grasp on who they are playing as and what they should do. At my table, there was one player who started the game not knowing what they should be doing or how to play the game. However, by the final scene of Act 1, they had masterminded a plot to rob a bank, hired my character to help them, then threw me under the bus to the bank’s treasurer to play both sides of the conflict and always come out on top. I didn’t even care that I was being used as a scapegoat because it was such a glorious move.

One very important aspect to leadership that can be seen through Fiasco is that everybody in a group should be equally comfortable and equally involved. The characters in the game are not good people who can get into any scenario that the players think up. Some situations, however, might be really uncomfortable or triggering to players. It is very important- and the rules explicitly say to take a break and discuss the direction of the story -to check in with everybody at the beginning and frequently throughout that there are not any topics or themes that are ruining their fun. In addition, especially with a roleplaying game, some players (particularly those with more experience) may become more prominent while other players are pushed to the side. A couple designs I really appreciate from Fiasco include how each scene has a different character that is explicitly the focus of the scene, each player-character has an equal amount of scenes, and the circle of relationships and details tie everyone together because that allows everybody to have an “in” that allows them to get involved in the story and remain relevant. Thinking about this in terms of leadership, everybody in a group needs to be relevant and feel that they are relevant, and it is a leader’s responsibilities to make that happen.

Fiasco is meant to be played by people looking to act out a ridiculous story together. People who appreciate games for their rules and mechanics, or people who get frustrated when they can’t pause to think and must improvise, should probably find a different game to play. Personally, I have some friends I’ve met in various theatre programs that would find Fiasco really fun. They have experience thinking on their feet, getting into character, and creating a fun story together. However, I recommend that anybody who likes being creative, whether you are a professional actor or somebody with zero improv experience, give Fiasco a try.

Fiasco Playset: The College Experience


The college experience. Every college freshman looks forward to the day that they can begin their own life. Free from their parents, their boring hometown, and all the past. It’s time to begin anew and make up your own rules to live by. With no one telling you what to do, you can be free to do anything you want to.  However, there will be bumps in the road. College isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Will you walk out with that bachelor’s degree? Can you survive communal bathrooms? You might end up having a fiasco or two during your four years at Golden Valley University.



⚀ Sickly cute lovebirds

⚁ Unknowingly crushing on each other

⚂ Recently turned ex’s but no one else knows

⚃ One-night stands

⚄ Dumper and Dumped

⚅ Cheating their other significant others with each other


⚀ Childhood friends

⚁ Dormmates since freshman year

⚂ Only talks in academic settings, otherwise “ I don’t know this guy”

⚃ Due to hating the same person

⚄ Relatives

⚅ Senior mentor and freshman


⚀ Group project partners

⚁ Professor and Student

⚂ Professors of the same subject

⚃ Aged Researcher and newbie researcher

⚄ Academic Rivals

⚅ Student Council President and Student Council Vice-President


⚀ Ex roommates

⚁ RA and RD

⚂ No clue who the other is but now we live together

⚃ Early riser and night owl

⚄ Lives down the hall from each other

⚅ Trying to get in the same dorm


⚀ Video game club members

⚁ Writer and photographer for the school newspaper

⚂ Greek Life Members

⚄ Star Basketball player and head cheerleader

⚅ Band Geeks


⚀ Drug dealer and drug addict

⚁ Borderline alcoholics

⚂ Frat hazier and hazed

⚃ Stalker and Stalked

⚄ Faculty and student dating

⚅ Abusive dating partners



⚀ …and finally lose my virginity.

⚁ …by as many people as possible.

⚂ …to feel like I am alive again.

⚃ …due to this bet.

⚄ …by that specific person.

⚅ …before time is up.


⚀ …against my ex.

⚂ …more wasted today.

⚃ …against the dean.

⚄ …with the frats/sororities.

⚅ …with myself.


⚀ …off all these drugs.

⚁ … by selling the answers to the final exams.

⚂ … by taking someone down.

⚃…the old-fashioned way.

⚄ …through a risky investment.

⚅ …stealing it.


⚀ …myself to them.

⚁ …that college is pointless.

⚂ …I am right.

⚃ …that Dr. Peabody is a dirty liar.

⚄ …that I was not that wasted.

⚅ …that I am willing to risk it all.


⚀ …my true love.

⚁ …my scholarship.

⚂ …my fake ID.

⚃ …my spot on the team.

⚄ …our first-place trophy.

⚅ …my reputation on campus.


⚀ …about that one frog in the biology lab.

⚁ …about how I got accepted into this college.

⚂ …about this love note.

⚃ …about why I was ghosted.

⚄ …about the mysterious room in the student center.

⚅ …about what I exactly did when wasted last weekend.



⚀ The bubbly cafe

⚁ A study room

⚂ The theater

⚃ The bowling alley

⚄ The swimming pool

⚅ The greenhouse on the roof


⚀ The President’s Office

⚁ The Academic Advisor’s Office

⚂ The Official Records Office, still using paper recordings

⚃ The Security Office that sees everything almost happening on campus

⚄ The campus HR Department

⚅ Alumni Relations Department


⚀ Skipper’s Pizza

⚁ Bell’s Gas Station

⚂ Chai’s Tea and Coffee, the only decent coffee in the area

⚃ Comfort Plus, the area’s marketplace

⚄ Brew-ha-ha Bar

⚅ Off Campus Apartment


⚀ Dr. Hugh’s Chemistry Lab

⚁ The ultra-drab math department

⚂ The overly saturated Art Wing

⚃ The computer lab

⚄ The “why was it designed this way” Architect building

⚅The comforting Psychology building


⚀ Phi Theta Fraternity House

⚁ The dorm at the edge of campus

⚂ Co-ed Dorm

⚃ Freshman Dorm

⚄ The Honor’s Dorm

⚅ Women’s only Dorm


⚀ The Dean’s house

⚁ The campus’s untamed woods

⚂ The top of the bell tower

⚃ The mysterious basement of the Student Center

⚄ The sidewalk

⚅ An unused dorm room that’s always open



⚀ The answer key to a final exam

⚁ An overpriced textbook

⚂ A previous student’s notebook

⚃ The password to the computer lab’s secret files

⚄ Stolen dorm keycard

⚅ Fred, the biology frog


⚀ Is this weed or catnip?

⚁ Stolen antidepressants

⚂ A mysterious mix of several unknown alcohols

⚃ “Study drugs”

⚄ Mushrooms grown in the campus woods

⚅ A Ziplock bag full of cocaine


⚀ An unaddressed love letter

⚁ A heart-shaped locket

⚂ A gift from your first roommate

⚃ A well wore baseball cap

⚄ A locked small wooden box

⚅ A Tattoo


⚀ A sewing kit

⚁ Brightly colored makeup

⚂ A recording of the newest podcast

⚃ Baking supplies

⚄ Paints and canvases

⚅ A black belt in judo


⚀ Kegs as far as the eye can see

⚁ A condom that been in a wallet for months

⚂ Over the top stereos

⚃ An STD

⚄ A Red solo cup

⚅ A fake ID


⚀ An error in the Student Records

⚁ Misuse of college funds

⚂ Failing grade in a mandatory class

⚃ A stolen chemical from the chemistry lab

⚄ Illegal Fireworks

⚅ A hand gun

Game of the Week Blog Reflection: Fiasco Week 3

This week was the final week we played Fiasco. During this session we were able to set up the tilt and complete the story. I was surprised to find my character coming out the best. Everyone else went to jail or worse due to my characters actions. My character was able to get away with murder but that doesn’t mean she didn’t feel guity about it. The murder was pinned onto two other characters in the session, causing them to pay my characters price for her crime. My character ended up regretting everything that she did to the others, and even did try to turn herself in. However, due to the police in our session being corrupt, they didn’t believe her and chose to continue on with what they believed as correct.

I think the hardest part of this week was setting up the tilt. At first, my group didn’t know where to go with the tilt. We also had to refresh the rules on how the tilt was played out, due to how long it had been since we all watched the how-to videos. There was a lot of time we spent on trying to decide where we wanted the story to proceed. 

The game Fiasco is a cooperation game, but you are also trying to compete with the others. We all are writing a story and acting out what our characters would do. We all need to be able to give and take to move the story and the game along. Everyone has a role to be played. It takes leadership to direct the story. You have to either direct the story in the direction you want it to be, or follow someone else’s ideas in the story. Everyone has a give and take in this game. However, everyone is still trying to make it so that their character’s goals are achieved. In our session, everyone could state that they lost the game, but how much everyone lost was different. 

I still believe that my friends who are into Dungeons and Dragons would enjoy playing Fiasco. They all enjoy making characters and acting as their characters. They also all have chaotic tendencies. Maybe the next time we all start planning a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign, I could instead suggest we all play Fiasco.  

Game of the Week Blog Reflection 5: Fiasco Week 3

This week in Tabletop Leadership, we continued playing Fiasco. In this session, we were able to complete Act 2 and the Aftermath. The hard part about this week was the wrapping up the storyline. I am not very good at making up stories, but my playmates did a good job helping me through it. I tended to have my character only experience bad things. I ended up with all black die and my tilt choice was “Something bad will change your life forever”. This caused my character to not have a happy ending at all and he ended up in jail.

Overall, the play session of Fiasco over the last 3 weeks was a really good time. I enjoyed the story we came up with because my playmates had really great ideas. I probably wouldn’t play again just because it isn’t my style of game, however, if I were to play again I would be able to come up with a much better story now that I have a good feel for the game. I would recommend this game to my friends that are very creative. I mentioned my friend Alex in the previous weeks but I think it would be good for any of my friends who have a creative mind. You can really come up with some intricate stories if you play with creative people.

This game ties to leadership because you can really take control of the group if you choose to do so. That is something I needed work on because I couldn’t figure out how to move my character’s story along. A good leader would be able to develop the story in a way that they want to because they have to influence the group and how the rest of the story unfolds.

Fiasco: A Review

Over the past three weeks, we played a roleplaying game called Fiasco. Overall, I really enjoyed Fiasco because of the openness of the game proper. Everyone gets their time in the spotlight because of how the game is structured. This can be an issue in some TTRPGs that rely heavily on roleplaying.

Session one consisted of selecting the wild west playset, Boomtown, character creation, and Act One. We rolled all the dice in the center of the board and then went round-robin, choosing how our characters’ relationships. This was the hardest part to understand for me. Your character traits, relationships, and everything else are pulled from the communal pool of dice. For players new to roleplaying systems, I think this works really well at giving them a place to start, however I would have liked to have more agency over the choices I made as I could see much more interesting plot threads that what we got. However, the game we played was a total blast, as you will soon see.

I ended up playing Lonnie, the horse whisperer whose most prized possession was the tear-stained love letter left by his husband, Dino (A player in the game), who had up and disappeared in the middle of the night. Character creation is one thing that Fiasco does right. Conflict of interest is one of the main focuses of the game, and by working together to establish motives, the plot of the game became clear. Lonnie goes to his outlaw cousin Annie, another PC, with a half-baked plan to kill his husband in a fit of rage. As the session progresses, it becomes clear that Annie has her own agenda. She robbed Dino way in the past for a whopping $20,000 and maybe planning to finish him off once and for all. Annie meets up with her old partner in crime Samira, another PC, to pick up some firearms, and the spark of an old romance ignites. As it turns out, Samira works for Dino at his general store next to the old church. At the end of session one, we were primed and ready to go for the tilt.

Session two was where **** hit the fan. Lonnie and Annie were determined to off Dino. Meanwhile Samira in crime was hatching her own plan so that she and Annie could ride into the sunset while everything burned around them. Dino, now played by a new member to the group, tried to reconsile with Lonnie at the church where they first came together as a couple. Then Annie arrived and tried to convince Lonnie to pull the trigger and off the man who caused him so much pain, but Dino had succeeded in planting a seed of doubt in Lonnie’s mind Our tilt was someone panic and panic, Lonnie did. Seeing this moment of doubt, Annie shoots Lonnie in the leg and gets into a scuffle with Dino. Samira arrives and tends to Lonnie’s would while thinking about stabbing him. The fight continues until Samira suggests that Annie and her just leave Lonnie and Dino. Annie agrees yet she sets the church on fire on her way out. The session ends on a cliff hanger with The Aftermath saved for meeting three.

Session three was a rather short one for us as all we had to do was cover The Aftermath. Throughtout the game when each seen ends, the PCs where not involved get to decide if the characters involved got good or bad endings. Now is when you total up the die to determine your ending. Lonnie got a bitter end where he lived through the encounter with his cousin however the wound never quite healed right. Lonnie blamed everyone but himself and this sour attitude caused Dino to leave him again. The game ended as it began, with Lonnie reading a tear stained love letter.

Fiasco works to facilitate leadership in numerous ways, chief among them being: knowing when to step down and let someone else have the spot light. Fiasco heavily relies on improvisation and the best improv scenes work best when everyone is complementing each other and building on what everyone else establishes. In our game each person had several opportunities to lead a scene in the direction they wanted it to go and we supported them in that moment.

Game of the Week Blog Reflection: Fiasco Week 3

This week, we finished the final step of Fiasco which is called the “aftermath”. When we created the scene, we got the dice in two different colors which are black and white from other group members, and the difference between black and white dice is other group members ‘opinions of how your scene goes, if they think your character will be in a better situation, they will give you a white dice, if they think your character will be in a worse situation, they will give you a black dice. I am not good at creating the scene, so I got more black dice than white dice, thus the aftermath end for me was not good, I lost almost everything. I lost my boss which was dead in the final part; I lost my job since the whole police office was on fire and my clinic was in the police office. So, I decided to leave this city and find my new life.

After we finished our Fiasco, we went back to the main room and learned about some skills of leadership such as values, morals, and ethics. I think the tolerance is also a part of the leadership. As I said in the previous week’s blog, we missed one group member last week, so we decided to wait for her but not finished the game without her. This week this person came back, we told her what we done last week and help her to adapt our story, and we really had a good time with finishing this story. One thing that the professor taught me during the class session was having integrity is a good thing, but there are still some disadvantages.

During this week’s class session, I think the hardest part is still to create your own scene that can make the whole story interesting and logical, but I think a make a great progress since I got a white dice (which means my group member think the scene I created was good, and in the last week I got all my scene black dice.) this week. The class session went very well, we discussed a lot during the session about the scene so that we make our Fiasco story ended interesting, and we all like this end.

Game of the Week Blog: Fiasco Week 3

This week we finished up our game of Fiasco and completed what the game calls the “aftermath”. In order to determine what path your character ends on, each player must add up the number of dice they have. Then depending on their sum and whether it was mostly white die “good” or red die “bad” they can red the aftermath cards and determine how good or painful of an ending their character gets. My character had a higher sum of the red die so my ending wasn’t as happy as I thought it was going to be because I got “rough”. Basically, I needed to come up with something bad that happens to my character so that they remember it as a lasting lesson. To do that I played off of what my “lover” in the game did and since we were cuddled up in the middle of the desert I had a rattlesnake bite me and had to have my foot amputated. All of which sucked but compared to the other players wasn’t that bad and I still ended up with my lover.

After we finished the game we wrapped up the class talking about some leadership skills such as beliefs, values, morals, and ethics. I thought it was interesting how we discussed where we learn which leadership skills apply to us while growing up. In my opinion, I think our leadership skills are highly influenced by our family/friends, school, and religion if we have one. The perspective that having integrity is not always a good thing came as a surprise to me. When I think of having integrity it seems like an inherently good thing, like we are honest and steadfast to our beliefs. However, if those beliefs and ideals that we hold could be evil ones thus making one’s integrity a bad thing.

The class discussion then prompted me to think about how my own beliefs, values, morals, and ethics were reflected in my gameplay. I think in the beginning I definitely tried to keep my character as similar to myself as possible but quickly learned that in Fiasco that is impossible and also makes for a boring plot. I then noticed how a switch occurred midway through the game when I started to make my character do and say things that I would not do in real life. It’s kinda scary how when presented with an opportunity with no real-life consequences we can choose to live vicariously through an imaginative character and be either the best or worse versions of ourselves. So what does it say about my integrity that I enjoyed playing a manipulative and deceitful wild west gangster?

Fiasco! among the stars

Shenanigans among the stars


Reach for the stars

Faster than light travel has been discovered and commodified. Everyday people can get jobs piloting between planets or even upon stars. The stars were always pretty from Earth but who knew they could be even more pretty when you’re rocketing past them. We’ve explored every inch of the galaxy by now. It’s not the most common of jobs but it really gets you away from the life at home and out there. We’ve always had our eyes on the sky and now we’re there. Space is a fresh start for many. Is this your chance to start anew? What all can you find out there beyond the stars? Maybe you can do some good for everyone? After all, what’s there to lose?


1 partners

  1. Lab partners
  2. Captain and second mate
  3. A scientist and their helpful robot assistant
  4. On a honeymoon trip
  5. In crime, in life, in death
  6. For however long that lasts

2 coworkers

  1. Working in the bowels of the ship
  2. Assigned reluctantly
  3. Who bunk together
  4. The two who know the ship best
  5. A scientist and their helpful robot pal
  6. The only 2 who can communicate between 2 groups

3 friends

  1. Since day one of the assignment
  2. Traveling the worlds together
  3. From back in college
  4. At a time that isn’t right now
  5. Who share a secret
  6. For as long as this is mutually beneficial

4 shady

  1. Captain and head smuggler
  2. Dealer and druggie
  3. Blackmailer and blackmailed
  4. Person onboard officially and the person they smuggled in
  5. Mercs hired to oppose the rest
  6. Dealt together in the distant past

5 intrigue

  1. Alien and scientist
  2. Mysteriously ill and doctor 
  3. You recognize each other but you have no memory of meeting
  4. Recently you two agreed to a risky deal
  5. Detective and suspect
  6. You both suspect each other of something nefarious

6 rivals

  1. Vying for the captain’s notice
  2. In scientific discovery
  3. In owning the smuggling world
  4. Captaining the two best ships in the galaxy
  5. Siblings assigned to the same ship
  6. Captains of the two fastest ships in the galaxy


1 scientific discovery

  1. You want something named after you before you die
  2. you need more patents than your sibling
  3. You need to cure this disease
  4. You need to make the first contact
  5. You need to crack this code
  6. You need to invent something great

2 truth

  1. Something here isn’t right
  2. These glyphs mean something
  3. Your father disappeared in this sector years before
  4. Everyone needs to know this before I die
  5. They told me one thing before they disappeared
  6. They died and you need to know why

3 to get out

  1. Of a bad situation with worse people
  2. Of debt 
  3. Of the country with no way to track you
  4. Of this ship and away from these people
  5. And finally make something of myself
  6. Of this part of the galaxy

4 to get money

  1. And live life as stress free as possible
  2. To get your parents off your back
  3. To bail out a buddy
  4. To rid yourself of your past
  5. And start a new life half-way across the galaxy
  6. By any means necessary

5  to gain respect

  1. Of the crew
  2. Across the galaxy
  3. Of another person of science
  4. And accolades for my abilities
  5. From my family by finally doing something good
  6. Of that jerk who dismissed me

6 surviving

  1. This trip to the end
  2. To see someone one last time
  3. Because you promised them
  4. To prove them wrong
  5. To live a better life
  6. In spite of the situation


1 Tech

  1. The trustworthy AI aboard
  2. Bug codes on a zip drive
  3. Malware infecting something
  4. Robotic prosthetic or necessary accessory 
  5. A new invention you want to test out
  6. Your spaceship has just been fixed up

2 Alien

  1. Egg that might have just hatched
  2. Weapon accidentally activated
  3. Glyphs appearing on your arms
  4. Plant that just destroyed the observation room
  5. Baby smuggled aboard
  6. Parasite that just bit someone

3 Useful

  1. Wrench got from the engine room
  2. Fire Axe broken out of its box
  3. A single spacesuit
  4. The last functioning escape pod
  5. A medkit with all the works
  6. 3 days worth of rations

4 Dangerous

  1. item never meant for zero gravity
  2. Illegal weapons the captain doesn’t know about
  3. Deal with the mob that better pan out in the end
  4. Modifications done to a ship
  5. Meteorite headed straight for you
  6. Notification appearing with no sender

5 Secret

  1. Experimental drugs
  2. Smuggled goods ready for the market
  3. The last message from Earth
  4. An extra person
  5. Instructions from the local gang
  6. Part of an alien ruin still untranslated

6 Brings back memories

  1. Picture of a lost lover
  2. A personal journal
  3. Locket that won’t open
  4. Letter from a former friend
  5. A switchblade from dad
  6. A stuffed animal you still can’t sleep without


1 Past the milky way

  1. On a trip to the furthest star
  2. On the galaxy super highway
  3. In an alien blackmarket
  4. In an observation tank
  5. At the biggest space auction house this side of Pluto
  6. On an ordinary mining operation

2 in our galaxy

  1. Exploring Martian ruins
  2. Observing earth
  3. On a mission to Venus
  4. Escaping Earth
  5. Headed straight for the sun
  6. And leaving as fast as possible

3 Onboard a spaceship

  1. Owned by the US government
  2. On its maiden voyage
  3. Doing a cargo run
  4. Not necessarily your spaceship
  5. Hidden with the supplies
  6. Trapped in the medical center

4 in the middle of nowhere

  1. In an asteroid belt
  2. Far from anyone who could help
  3. Caught between two ships
  4. Found by smugglers
  5. Ready for a deal
  6. Hiding from the mob

5 Wrecked

  1. In hostile territory
  2. On an inhospitable planet
  3. And tied up by masked people
  4. Trapped in the ship
  5. On some random comet
  6. With your translator dead

6 lost

  1. On a planet not on your star charts
  2. Way off course
  3. Somewhere that has oxygen at least
  4. On a strange green planet
  5. With enough gas for one jump
  6. On an empty hunk of rock

Game of the Week Blog Reflection: Fiasco Week 2

This week in Tabletop Leadership we continued playing Fiasco. We were able to complete Act 1 and part of the Tilt in this week’s session. This session did not come without challenges. Unfortunately, we were having bad connection issues because we kept getting disconnected from the server and it would take a few minutes to get everyone back in it. We also had a hard time coming up with scenes at first because no one in my group has played any game like this before, but we did get things moving after a few tries. Luckily we were able to help each other out to make the game go smoothly.

That brings me to another way this game ties to leadership. Fiasco requires a lot of cooperation. First, everyone has to pay attention to each speaker and really consume all of the information coming their way. Then, you have to tie all of the stories together in some way while at the same time trying to tie your scenes with the attributes given to your character. In order to help the story make sense, we had to cooperate with each other and sometimes help each other finish scenes. Leadership is about cooperating with other people in order to benefit the group as a whole. Each of us had to step up and tie in our stories with each other. Leaders must think about the rest of group in order to benefit the group as a whole.

In week 1, I mentioned how my friend Alex would enjoy this game. I stand by that because it’s a game that gives you the opportunity to influence the story in a major way. This is also something I enjoyed about our game session because some of the scenes really drove the development of the story. If you want the story to go a certain direction, you can do that. That is something I like about this game but it can also be difficult if group members don’t carry the story along well. Luckily, my group didn’t have that problem in this session and we were able to get a good start on the game.