Fall semester is quickly approaching and you’re probably anxious to be on campus. Before you head to your first class, here are a few tips for getting around if this is your first time here.

#1 Get to know the Butler County Transit System

BuzTrakr app icon

Miami students have access to the BCRTA which stands for Butler Country Regional Transit Authority. This bus has routes throughout Butler County, including on Miami’s campus. So, instead of making the 1-mile hike from the newly renovated Stanton Hall to your friend’s residence hall in North Quad, you can hop on the U1 Campus Core bus and be on your way!

Download the BuzTrakr app for interactive routes: BuzTrakr

#2 Add the Miami University map to your mobile home screen for easy access

Almost every building has a sign near it that tells you the name and year built. Some buildings put this sign on the street side where people walk and others hide it on the opposite side of walking traffic. By adding this map to your home screen, you can see specific locations on campus and use the way-finder to navigate from one building to another. This map has self-guided tours so you can learn about Miami’s history in Freedom Summer of 1964 or listen to an Admissions campus tour while you walk. The Miami map also features the BCRTA and maps of Miami’s regional campuses.

Map options

Take a look at the Miami map: Miami map

#3 Look at the seal, but DON’T step on it.

The seal

The Miami University Seal is located in Academic Quad between Upham Hall and Elliott Hall & Stoddard Hall. If you find yourself near the seal, you know that you are central to almost everything on campus. The seal is .5 miles from Millet Hall (where people watch basketball), .5 miles from the Rec center (where people work out), and .5 miles from Western Dining Commons (where people eat). 

Miami’s seal has 3 elements depicted on it. An open book, a globe, and a telescope, representing the past, present, and future. It also has three Latin words, “Prodesse Quam Conspici”. This means, “to accomplish without being conspicuous”.

Read more about the seal: Miami University Seal

#4 Western campus is not actually to the west

Western campus is located on South Patterson Avenue near East Spring Street and East Chestnut Street. Keywords…. south and east. Don’t be surprised when you put Peabody Hall in your map for directions and it tells you to head south toward Western College Drive. 

Peabody Hall

Speaking of Peabody Hall, where even is that? Well, Peabody is located in Western Campus on Western College Drive, just past the Miami University Art Museum. Peabody is about as far away from campus civilization as you can get, but the building is full of rich history (more on that in a later post).

Learn more about Western’s Historic Campus: Western history

#5 Talk to people who are walking around campus

It may seem weird to talk to another person face-to-face right now, but it can be extremely beneficial. There may be places on campus that you have never been to before because you don’t know they exist. Talking to other students, specifically older students can help you discover a new place to sit outside and study or a new library to find that perfect book for “research”. Who knows, you may even find a place where you meet new people and start friendships that last beyond college.

Two friends hanging out
Categories: Life at Miami