My name is Charlie Schenk. I am a junior finance major from Cincinnati, Ohio. This is a little bit of a day in my life as a student at Miami University. This is a Tuesday schedule for me:

9 a.m. – I wake up to my alarm for my 10:05 class. I always make my bed in the morning because I believe it sets me up for the rest of the day and helps my productivity. Then I brush my teeth and make a bagel for breakfast. I go ahead and also have a bowl of cereal right before I leave, as I will not be back from class until 1 p.m. and this will help hold me over until lunch. 

Sidewalks on Academic Quad
Brisk walk to class!

9:45 a.m. –  I leave my house/apartment for my 20 minute walk to class. It’s kind of cold today, so I decided to wear a sweatshirt and a coat. 

10:05 a.m. – My first class of the day, ISA 225 – business analytics begins. I actually really enjoy analytics and statistics because it’s interesting to see the factors in decision making. We spend most of the class reviewing for the final exam and going over some homework problems. 

11:40 a.m. – After ISA 225 class, it’s time to head to my intro to international studies class, ITS 201. This is another one of my favorite classes this semester because of the attention to detail that my professor takes in class. I also love learning about business, especially on an international scale. We did an interactive group activity today where we were mock businesses giving out loans to companies. We had to all come to an agreement for the activity to work.

1 p.m. – Time for lunch! I go over to the Armstrong Student Center and order the chicken sandwich from Pulley’s Diner. This is my go-to meal here on Tuesdays. Highly recommend it!

Entrance to the Rec
Time for a workout!

2 p.m. – After lunch, I headed back to my house and get ready to go to the Rec Center. Today I’m meeting with a friend to workout. Working out after a long morning of classes helps me focus on assignments later in the day.

2:50 p.m. – After a quick workout, I head over to Farmer School of Business for my last class of the day – ECO 202 – Macroeconomics.

5 p.m. – I arrive home from my econ class and hang out with my housemates a bit. We watch some sports on TV, then have hamburgers for dinner.

6 p.m. – After dinner, I catch up on some homework for my international studies class.

8:30 p.m. – I finish my homework for the night and then call my family to catch up with them. It’s a great conversation as we are preparing for me coming home after the semester ends. 

9:30 p.m. – I hang out with my housemates again, playing some video games before going to bed. This is one of my favorite ways to unwind from the day. 

11 p.m. – I go back to my room to get ready for class tomorrow and go to bed.