It’s freezing cold outside. And there’s a large amount of snow on the ground. But that’s not stopping me from daydreaming about my “spring break” plans. Yes, it looks a little different this year since the break is split over 5 days, but that just means I’m going to spread out the fun over two months. 

Trust me, as a Senior, I fully intend to enjoy my final spring break to its fullest potential. Ohio has a lot to experience and there’s so much that I still haven’t done in my last 4 years here. The wellness days allow us to enjoy “Micro-Spring Breaks” and try out these things. Which is especially great for someone on a budget! And it’s great to do these day trips/activities on the weekdays because they’ll be way less crowded than a Saturday or Sunday.

If you and your friends are looking for a way to spend them, look no further, and check out my recommendations below. 

Eat Your Way Through the Donut Trail

I love warm, frosting-covered, melt-in-your-mouth donuts. So when my sister visited me, the first thing we did was try to complete the Butler County Donut Trail. In one day. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it past the 4th location before having to throw in the towel. Learn from us, and don’t try to do it in all in one day (your stomach will thank you). Remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint. Take it slow. If you visit all 13 shops and get a stamp at each location, then you can mail in your passport and get a t-shirt!

Hike Hocking Hills

I have been itching to leave my apartment and as soon as the weather warms up a bit, I will be going on a hike. Hocking hills is a few hours away, but well worth the drive. There are tons of trails to choose from so it is great for both the avid hiker and the novice, like me. I went with a few of my friends last fall and we saw the most beautiful waterfalls, but I also heard it’s great in the colder months too. Don’t forget to pack water and snacks, as the trails are located in a remote area.

4 Course Meal Challenge

We have all probably seen this challenge on TikTok, but in case you haven’t, here’s how it works. Grab a few friends and play rock, paper, scissors to determine who will pick where you eat. You’ll have to do this 4 times in order to choose a spot for appetizers, drinks, an entree, and dessert. If it were up to me I’d choose mac bites from Skippers, root beer floats from Arby’s, a sandwich from Bagel and Deli, and cookies from insomnia. Try it out with your friends and see where you end up!

Jungle Jim’s International Market

It’s hard to believe that a grocery store is one of the ways I recommend spending your spring break, but Jungle Jim’s is an exception. This international market is like the Mall of America of grocery stores. Their cheese section, alone, is the size of a small town. They sell international food from across the globe and display it in cute little shops at the back of the store. Every time I go with my friends, I try as many potato chip flavors as I can find. Ketchup is by far the best. Liver and onion should be avoided at all costs. 

Bonus! Have each of your friends buy a few items from the store and do a taste test where you try to guess what country each is from. 

Day Trip to Miamisburg

Miamisburg is an adorable nearby town with a ton of character. My roommate is from there, so I had access to a tour guide for the day when I visited. But if you don’t know anyone from the area, that’s okay because I now know all the best spots. Visit the hamburger wagon (it’s been around since 1913!), Grandpa Joe’s Candy Shop, the Miamisburg Mound, and finish off the day with a slice of Reuben pizza from Ron’s.

Other great day trip ideas are to spend time in downtown Cincinnati, Columbus, and/or Dayton Ohio.

Explore a New Restaurant or Coffee Shop

Have you tried Skyline Chili yet? Maybe this isn’t the one for you, but there is definitely a lot of other great food to try in Ohio. Check out @ExploreOhioFood on Instagram for some ideas. This account covers every category of food ranging from sweet and savory to fresh and even southern comfort food. 

Speed round! Here are a bonus 10 other ideas

  1. Kings Island (typically reopens mid-April)
  2. You’re Fired! Ceramic painting
  3. Frisbee golf at Hueston Woods
  4. Picnic at the Cincinnati riverwalk
  5. Holiday Auto Theater (typically reopens in March)
  6. National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton
  7. Cincinnati Sign Museum
  8. Cincinnati Zoo
  9. West Chester Escape Room
  10. Dayton Art Institute

Whatever you end up doing on your Wellness Days, I hope you’ll make the most of the time!

Hannah Frier | Marketing