One of the best ways to make your college experience all the much better at Miami University is to join student organizations! Even while our first-year students aren’t on campus yet, hundreds of organizations are committed to welcoming new members remotely, with the hopes of bringing you on in person as soon as possible. And while it might not be in person, there’s some advantages of a virtual Megafair! It’s not so crowded, and you don’t have to worry about rain or being too hot!
To navigate through the many organizations you may be interested in, we wanted to give you some more information on this Sunday’s Mega Fair!
Here’s the breakdown:
- Mega Fair 2020 will be held on Sunday, August 23rd from 1-4pm EST through the Hub. To join Mega Fair, log in to the Hub ( with your UniqueID credentials. You should see the link to join Mega Fair right there at the top of the homepage.
- Once you’re in, it’s quick and easy find what you’re interested in! In the virtual involvement fair space, you can browse through an alphabetized list of student organizations, search for organizations by keyword or name, and filter through all of the results based on organization categories.
- Speaking of categories, there are a lot of them! They range anywhere from: Academic to Art & Music, Communication to Business, Club Sports to Human Services, Political & Social Action to Spiritual/ Secular, plus so many more! Miami has hundreds of diverse organizations – you’re sure to find something you’ll want to join!
Remember: Regional Campus organizations and Oxford Campus organizations will be participating in Mega Fair side-by-side so be sure to filter your searches by campus for the best results!
Once you find an org, check out their Hub page to see what they are doing for Mega Fair.
- Some will allow you to join virtual chat rooms with student org leaders and members to learn more about the organizations
- If an organization allows (i.e. doesn’t have a formal recruitment/ try-out/ audition requirement), you can automatically join organizations on the Hub to become official members. You’ll be put on their emailing list, and that’s how you’ll stay in touch!
- SEAL Ambassadors recommend browsing the Hub before Mega Fair to develop a plan for specific organizations or organization types students want to learn more about to maximize the three hours of Mega Fair
Also, be sure to check out the SEAL Ambassadors! They’re here to help you find the group that’s perfect for you. Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL) Ambassadors are a peer mentor group that serve as an extension of the Office of Student Activities. SEALs meet one-on-one with students who are looking for organizations to join and various ways to become involved on campus. They also provide student organizations with resources to expand their reach on campus and oversee the Red Brick Rewards Program, working with the ASG (Associated Student Government) Funding and Audit Committee to distribute funds to student organizations.
Want to talk with an ambassador? Look for them at the online Mega Fair, or schedule a meeting with a SEAL here:
Joining orgs are what makes your Miami experience so unique and builds your sense of home here in Oxford. Despite all the challenges, all of us here at Miami are committed to welcoming you as a part of our community this Sunday at Mega Fair!
Hannah Frier | Marketing