With the start of the semester comes the long awaited (dreaded…?) recruitment process! Campus is abuzz with nervous, excited energy for the next two weeks. As someone new to Greek Life (and a little overwhelmed), I set out to get answers about how to survive and thrive during recruitment. Every person’s experience will be different, but I hope to shed some light on how to maintain your sanity and truly enjoy the process! Here is the advice I gathered from a few awesome ladies around campus in different Greek groups. Guys, you are practically finished with the fraternity rush process – so let’s take a look into the world of sorority recruitment.
Is Recruitment still happening as usual?
Yes! In light of all the coronavirus news, Miami University Panhellenic has taken precautions to make recruitment as safe as possible. There are no plans to cancel or postpone recruitment. Both the PNM’s and the current members have been advised with many techniques to stop the spread of illnesses. This includes not shaking hands/hugging, consistent hand washing, and on-site kits with materials such as hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes. All the necessary steps have been taken to ensure the health and safety of all recruitment participants! If you have any further concerns, check out MiamiOH.edu/coronavirus.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get down to business!
1. Overview of the different rounds and what to expect during them?
Round 1: Welcome Round! Groups of potential new members (PNMs) visit all of the sororities on campus and chat with a few sisters at each. These sessions are usually fairly short (around 30 mins) since the PNM’s have so many sororities to visit. The visits are very relaxed – expect lots of small talk and get-to-know-you questions. Consider bringing a question or two of your own. Yes, Welcome Round can be overwhelming, just be open to all chapters! At the end of the day, PNM’s rank their favorite sororities to narrow down the selection.
Round 2: Philanthropy round. PNM’s visit a smaller selection of sororities based on how they ranked them in the previous round. Getting the shortened list shouldn’t scare you; you’re getting closer to finding your perfect fit! This is your chance to ask questions about each chapter’s involvement. If you have a passion for their philanthropic cause, let them know! Dig a little deeper into your preferences for service and let that guide you.
Round 3: Sisterhood Round! Visiting an even smaller selection based on ranking from Philanthropy Round. As the number of sororities you visit gets smaller, the more you’ll get to know the women in each. Round 3 is where the personality of the entire chapter truly shines. Each sorority will show a video that displays who they are and what defines their sisterhood. Expect to have more intimate conversations with the sisters about values, motivations, and goals for Greek involvement.
Round 4: Pref(erence) Round. PNM’s will usually visit two sororities and choose between them. Unlike the previous rounds, Pref Round is much more serene. One or two sisters will be with you the entire time, and they’ll make sure you feel wanted in their chapter. You may hear the sentence, “I really see you being happy here” many, many times. Pref Round can be very somber and emotional, but it should be exciting above all else! Trust your gut and choose what best reflects your heart.
2. Why is the process so intense?
I always thought recruitment seemed extreme. If you think about it, it’s kind of like training for a job before you’re even hired. I’m looking at my friends doing it like, “How are you already on the clock before you’ve even signed the contract??” After talking to some members this week, however, it makes much more sense. The process is intense because each PNM deserves to find the chapter in which they truly belong. Visiting each sorority and getting to know the women allows new members to be sure of their decision to join the group. Throughout recruitment, you may be exhausted, a little cold, and tired of talking to people – but the end result is more than worth it. Be authentic and genuine, and the right sorority will find you!
3. What the heck should I wear?
It’s true that each round has a dress code, which you can find miamiohpanhellenic.org. But without a doubt, wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident – emphasis on comfortable with the snow falling out there! Check out this Pinterest page – just a little something I dug up:
4. Does being a legacy really matter/count?
A legacy is typically defined as the sister, daughter, or granddaughter of a woman already initiated into a National Panhellenic Conference sorority. As a Greek outsider, I thought having a relative in a sorority basically gave you a free pass into the chapter. It turns out that isn’t the case and, in fact, it’s one of the last determining factors for a PNM during recruitment, if at all. So, don’t be intimidated if you meet a legacy or two during the process – the playing field is still level!
5. What is a sprite date and why is it different from a recruitment event?
A sprite date is an informal event in which a prospective new member has the chance to meet members of a sorority before recruitment starts. They are basically a no-stakes introduction! Going to a sprite date is a little like saying your major is undecided; you have opportunities to meet a handful of women in each chapter, get some background on each group, and ask as many questions as you want. Sprite dates are a non-stressful way to see if going Greek could be for you.
6. This all sounds exhausting and a little tedious. Is it worth it?
Full transparency – I was hesitant to write this article. As a second year on campus, participating in Greek life has not exactly been high on my to-do list during my time at Miami. I wanted to shed some light on the recruitment process so that skeptical students like me can be more informed when making their decision.
Is it worth it?
After gaining some perspective from the wonderful members I spoke to, I will say this: your mindset determines your experience. Yes, recruitment is not for everyone. To be honest, it still isn’t for me! But, it’s easy to see the passion they have for their organization, its philanthropy, and the friends they’ve made that feel like family. Recruitment is an adventure; whether that adventure feels like trying to scale Everest or finding buried treasure is up to you! Like with any adventure, make sure you have a support system. Trust your gut, and don’t doubt yourself. You got this.
Kathryn Moir | Marketing & IMS