We came to Miami University to enjoy some of the greatest years of our lives, meet our best friends, live on our own for the first time, and… yes, to learn. Syllabus week has come and gone, and with your first exams approaching, you may be realizing, like I am: it’s time to focus.
Before we get in over our heads with bio labs and group presentations, it’s time to establish some study habits that will stick. Below I listed my top 4 recommendations for starting the semester off right!

- Find your nook – Everyone should have a favorite place to study – that spot that triggers your brain into getting down to business. Personally, Armstrong is too busy and loud for me to focus. Plus I can never find an outlet to charge my laptop. I prefer to study in Shideler where there is a set of big tables and a plethora of outlets to choose from. But don’t steal my study spot! Take some time to audition a few different locations on campus and discover your study spot. You’ll appreciate it later, come finals week when King library is full and you know the exact location to visit that will help you focus.
- Go to office hours – You have heard it 1,000 times and I am here to tell it to you 1,001 times. Go. To. Office. Hours. I can not tell you how many times this has benefited me. It is as simple as showing your face and introducing yourself. By showing up, you’re letting them know that you care and that you are putting forth your best effort. Will that help when it’s time to round up a grade or extend a deadline? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s probably not going to hurt. You don’t necessarily need to show up to office hours every week, but try to make an effort to go to office hours once a month.
- Book a Rinella tutoring appointment – I have a standing appointment with a tutor each week for Finance 301, my hardest class of the semester. This helps me get to know the tutor and study a little bit each week, so I never have to cram before an exam. Plus, if I feel like that week’s material is easy, then I can cancel my tutoring session as long as it’s four hours in advance. Tutoring sessions fill up quickly, especially during midterm and towards finals week. Book your appointments now!
- Get to know at least one person in each class – Something I do the first week of semester is find someone I know (or introduce myself to someone) in each class. This friend can be a phenomenal resource if you are confused on the homework or missed part of the notes. I never would have survived STA 225, if it weren’t for the study groups I created with my friends. If you establish this relationship sooner rather than later, it will be easier to reach out to someone for study groups when it’s time for midterms!

These are just a few of the study habits I have implemented in my life to help improve my gpa. Comment below what works for you!
Hannah Frier | Marketing