Career Fair just passed and while this topic is still fresh on your mind, it’s time to start thinking about how to share your accomplishments. Miami partners with Merit, an online service that helps college students do just that.
As a Miami student, you already have a Merit page that displays your major, your high school, news mentions, and badges. Badges are awarded for accomplishments, including accepting admission and being named to Dean’s list.
By far the coolest part about Merit is the fact that Miami uses it to notify your hometown newspaper and your high school about your accomplishments!
You don’t have to do anything to maintain your Merit page, but you do have the ability to enhance your page!
Make your page stand out by personalizing your merit account. Simply login to Merit with your Miami credentials to view your Merit page. Add a profile picture and summary, create a custom URL, and connect your LinkedIn account. You can also support your friends and fellow classmates by following their accounts for updates.
For example, Laura Mena, a Miami senior, includes a summary about herself and previous work experience in addition to all the accomplishments added by Miami university communications. Including these personal details in your profile helps recruiters get to know you better. Highlight your internships and extracurricular activities to stand out!

If you decide to upload your own profile picture, use a professional photo and remember the 80/20 rule. In other words, the photo should only be 20% margins and 80% your face. Use a relatively recent photo that reflects what you currently look like.
Merit is the official Miami-recognized platform for displaying student accomplishments. Take advantage of this resource by sharing your accomplishments with potential employers!
*Not into sharing your accomplishments? You can opt out of publicity on Merit by logging into your account and adjusting your privacy settings. If you want to opt out altogether, select the red button at the bottom of the Privacy page.

Hannah Frier | Marketing