Finals are less than two weeks away and a great way to prepare for them is by finding your perfect study playlist. Music can help you concentrate and block out distracting noises. It can also be calming during this high stress week. Spotify is an awesome place to discover premade music playlists. However, we have also gone ahead and picked the perfect playlists for ALL types of studiers!

White noise

You are the type of studier that needs complete and utter silence to concentrate. Your go-to study spot is the top floor of King Library, where everyone in the room turns their head if a pin drops. The best playlist for you is Spotify’s white noise soundtrack. It will block out all the noise around you and plays consistent white sounds.  

Nature Sounds

For you, too much sound is distracting, but too little noise makes it hard for you to concentrate. Your go-to study spot might be somewhere around the 1st or 2nd floor of King Library. If this sounds like you, check out the  Nature Sounds playlist on Spotify. It has some noise blocking properties for when you are in a loud area, but the songs vary by different nature sounds. Between waves crashing in the ocean to birds chirping, this playlist has enough variety to last you all finals week!

Focus Flow

You are the group studier. You love studying with other people and tend to rent study rooms with friends in the library. Sometimes the room is completely silent, while other times it’s loud with  chatting or debating topics. The best playlist for you is something that varies in noise just like your study group. You can expect smooth jazzy songs while listening to this playlist.

Your Favorite CoffeeHouse 

Whether you’re in the bottom floor of King Library or studying Uptown at Bodega, you need NOISE to focus. You do your best work when there is a lot going on around you and you don’t have to worry about being quiet. A great playlist for you is any of the coffee house series on Spotify!

When you need a break…

Totally Stress Free

There comes a point in everyone’s finals week when you might be feeling very overwhelmed. At times like these, it is okay to take a break! Treat yourself to a snack and listen to a relaxing playlist. Our top pick is Spotify’s Totally Stress Free playlist because it contains a ton of upbeat songs. Remember that finals are only last a week and after you’re finished, you can move on to your summer adventures!

Hannah Frier | Marketing