Last summer, we asked all 18 departments in Student Affairs what advice they had for incoming first year students. And we love what they came up with!

Advice ranged from the inspirational to practical to silly. Here’s a sampling of our favorites from the whole project, but if you want to see all of it, hop over to Twitter and search for the hashtag #AdvicefromSAF!

Find something you LOVE to do on campus and DO IT!

Orientation & Transition Programs

Never be too cool for anything.

Orientation and Transition Programs

Grab coffee with a professor

Student Activities and the Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life

Network! Laugh! You be you!

Student Disability Services

Call your parents!

Parent and Family Programs

Learn to Lead. College = more than just classes. Pursue YOUR interests. Get a job on campus!

Harry T. Wilks Leadership Institute

Volunteer at the local animal shelter

Community Engagement and Service

Every day: Do something spiritual. Learn something new!

Office of Student Wellness

Have pride in whoever you are!

Office of Diversity Affairs

Walk through every open door. Take off your cool cap. Let your light shine!

VP for Student Affairs – Dr. Jayne Brownell

Take care of your friends. #IamMiami

Armstrong Student Center

Go to class!

Bernard B. Rinella Learning Center

Be fearless!

Women’s Center

Embrace change!

Community Engagement and Service

Support the arts. Check your physical mailbox.

Residence Life

Be Kind to your roommate. Make a friend from another country.

Residence Life


Get to know all the charms and quirks of Oxford.

Off-Campus Outreach and Communication

Your are not alone. Ask for help. You matter. You are unique.

Student Counseling Service

Compiled - #Advice from Student Affairs
