1. Traditions are serious…
Miami’s legends are both old and new. While some may seem silly to outsiders, the students at Miami know to never step on the infamous seal or they risk the fate of failing their next exam. Another tradition carried on through the years is the legend that a true love’s kiss under the Upham arch will seal a couple’s bond and lead to marriage. And don’t forget about the Sundial’s turtle heads! Learn more at Miami’s history and traditions.
2. Multiple libraries at Miami help more than you know…
Miami has four library locations around campus and one of them may end up being your new study “home.” One of the most popular libraries is King Library located on South Campus Ave, equipped with a café at the bottom floor. King is open 24/7 with multiple places and rooms to study in. Or if you prefer a more quaint setting, head over to the charming AMOS Library, located near the residence halls. Check out the library website to find a favorite!
3. Making new friends and living on your own for the first time is probably easier than it sounds…
One of the most anxiety-inducing aspects of college for incoming students is the thought of living on your own and making brand new friends. But there is no need to stress! Miami’s residence halls are monitored by friendly Residence Assistants who are there to help you feel more comfortable in your new home and make living situations fun, safe, and comfortable. And they will help you find your place!
4. There are so. many. ways. to. get. involved!
The start to the fall semester means a lot of opportunities to sign up for clubs and activities around campus. At Mega Fair, there are tables upon tables of sign-up sheets and informational flyers for student organizations, fraternities, sororities, sports, and more. And Club Sports has its own fair the first week of classes as well. You’ll likely find that you’ll have trouble deciding which ones to choose – but go ahead and sign up for whatever sounds interesting. You can always focus your involvement to the ones you are most interested in later.

Mega Fair
5. Get help when you need it.
If you start to stress about heavy course loads, difficult classes, or simply staying on top of your work, get help! From faculty office hours, to workshops, to tutors, there are always options and places to go for help. The Rinella Learning Center and the Howe Writing Center are great resources – and totally free!
6. Completing all your homework the night before (or… the morning of) a deadline isn’t always helpful.
Although it may seem like an “okay idea” to start leaving homework and projects until the last minute, it’s usually more helpful to spread the work out over the week and ease the load of studying. The Rinella Learning Center has a detailed Time Management Guidebook that can help you plan out your work. They also host informational sessions on how to manage your time skillfully. Sign up for a workshop!
7. The food is actually amazing. And there are healthy options!
Miami has more than 12 dining locations on campus. From buffets to a la carte to cafés, and even a small grocery store, you will quickly find that whenever you are craving a bite to eat it’s never a long walk to satisfy your hunger. If you’re worried that you won’t be able to find healthy foods, there’s no need. Western Dining Commons features an allergen free station and Dining Services offers MyTay Nutrition to map out meals with all relevant nutrition facts right on their website.
If you’re looking for a meal off-campus, take a quick 10 minute stroll uptown and explore a wide range of both familiar (like Chipotle or Jimmy Johns) and local to Oxford (like Bodega or Bagel and Deli).
8. It’s never too early to start identifying – and using – tools to help you on your career path.
The Career Services website can help guide you through the entire career planning process from college to career. Learn about job and internship opportunities, get help with resumes, cover letters and interviews, and check out graduate school options. They also host career fairs and speakers/workshops throughout the year to give you more targeted information and help you on the process, regardless of where you are in it.
9. Miami’s professors (well… ALL professors) are people, too!
Most of the professors at Miami genuinely care about their students and they are all just people, the same as you and me. Don’t be afraid to talk to them and ask for help or simply chat after class or during office hours. Email works too – and the Howe Writing Center has some email etiquette tips and templates for communicating with your instructors.
10. These next four years will be filled with some amazing, awe-inspiring, life-changing moments.
And the truth is, you’ll probably also have lower moments, when everything seems to be going wrong and you’re tired and overwhelmed and lonely. It takes time to build a community and lasting relationships. Some classes are really hard. There will be challenges. It may take you a while to find your groove. Student Counseling Service can help if you need it!
While we think that long after graduating from Miami, you’ll look back at your time here with happy nostalgia and wonderful memories, we hope that it’s not the best four years of your life. We hope that you continue to build on the education, skills, and friendships you establish here and create a happy life in whatever you do. And anyway, who wants to peak in their early twenties?
Welcome to Miami!