Tag Archives: teaching

Support for use of course packs

From Carolyn Haynes, a new opportunity (and funds!) for those using course packs in their courses fall semester:

In our continuing efforts to address affordability issues for our students, the Miami University Libraries and Office of the Provost are partnering to provide the Course Pack Consultation Service (CPCS). Many materials students pay for through readings-based course packs may be available at no charge to them through library online resources or copyright fair use.

Library staff will work with faculty to reduce or eliminate the costs associated with readings-based course packs (e.g. articles and book chapters) by utilizing links, permission requests and exceptions found in US copyright law. Faculty participating in the CPCS will be awarded $200 in professional development funds at the conclusion of the consultation. You can learn more about this initiative and complete the program application at the link above.

Online course design workshop

E-Learning Miami offers workshops for developing online courses, including a 10-week, cohort-based option each semester. It provides all support needed to design and teach an online course, including Instructional Design support, online resources, a cohort of colleagues, professional videography and support for designing accessible materials. If you have been thinking about teaching online/hybrid, this is a great option.

The fall semester workshop is open for registration, which closes on June 29. Accepted participants will be notified by July 13, and the workshop itself runs from September 10 – November 23.

Opportunity to participate in department course sharing bank

From Christina Fitzpatrick, who has been leading efforts to collect materials to benefit new instructors and those with new preparations:

The department is seeking volunteers who would like to share a copy of their course files for general use in the department. By providing a course bank, the department is hoping to improve teaching materials and free up your schedule to pursue other teaching activities (e.g., teaching research). If you would like to share your course you can make a copy of your existing CANVAS course that removes student information in a matter of minutes. If you would like to learn more or to share your course materials, please contact Christina Fitzpatrick (fitzpacb@miamioh.edu).

Service learning course support

The Miami University Office of Community Engagement and Service and Service-Learning Designation Committee (SLDC) are now accepting Service-Learning class proposals for the Fall 2018 and January 2019 terms. They write:

Miami University defines Service-Learning (SL) as “an experiential pedagogical practice that uses action and reflection on complex public challenges to meet community-voiced needs and enhance learning through mutually beneficial, reciprocal partnerships.” Note that a syllabus is NOT required at the time of submission. Proposals for SL classes are due by noon on Monday, March 5, 2018. Submit your proposals here

They are also offering grants to support your service-learning course and community-engaged work:

Faculty from Miami Oxford campus are invited to submit a proposal for our NEW Faculty Community Engagement Mini-Grant Program. Proposals are due Monday, March 5th.
These grants of up to $1,000, are available to fund the development of new Service-Learning courses or initiatives or the improvement of existing ones, and/or for the implementation of community-based research projects or professional development related to Community-Engaged Teaching, Research or Scholarship.

Overview of CTE grants & awards

I’ve mentioned previously that in general I will not post here emails sent to the CTE mailing list, but would encourage those interested to sign up directly. However, this seminar many of you might find useful since it provides an overview of some available CTE resources for ideas you might have. Space is limited to the first 20 registrants.

Who: Ellen Yezierski, Director, CTE
Date: ​Tuesday, February 6
Time: 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Place: 320 Laws Hall

RSVP: Register Here

Grants awarded by CTE support curricular and pedagogical innovations to improve student learning. This seminar introduces faculty to the application components, submission process, and evaluation criteria for CTE major and minor grants. Features of successful proposals and examples will be presented. Participants are encouraged to bring early ideas for innovations to make the most of the seminar and progress in the development of successful proposals.

Reminder: University teaching awards

The dean has asked me to remind you all of the call for nominations for the Distinguished Educator and Graduate Student Teaching Awards:

The Distinguished Educator Award will honor two faculty members for excellence in teaching and related professional activities and the Graduate Student Teaching Award will recognize superior teaching by graduate assistants and teaching fellows.

There must be at least three nominations in order to present this award to anyone.

For additional information, you may contact me or Nancy Burnside (9-1234). These nominations must be sent electronically to Nancy by March 1.

Society for the Teaching of Psychology awards

We have many excellent and innovative instructors, both faculty and grad students, in the department who should consider applying for the STP teaching awards:

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2) announces its 2018 program of awards for outstanding teachers of psychology. Teaching awards of $1500 and a plaque will be bestowed for outstanding performance in each of six categories: 4-year college or university (Robert S. Daniel Teaching Excellence Award), … first 10 years of full-time teaching at any level (Jane S. Halonen Teaching Excellence Award), graduate student (Wilbert J. McKeachie Teaching Excellence Award), and the Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. STP encourages applications from colleagues who are from underrepresented groups and have diverse backgrounds and experiences. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2018. For more information on specific criteria, what materials to submit, and guidelines for electronic submission visit the web site or contact: Krisztina Jakobsen, Chair of the STP Teaching Excellence Committee (jakobskv@jmu.edu).

FYRE open house and 18-19 course planning

Next Friday, October 20, 11:30 – 1:30 in King Library (AIS), the ORU is holding an open house for faculty who would like to consider offering a FYRE section for next academic year. FYRE involves a two-course sequence (UNV 171/172; 2 cr. ea.) that introduces students to the research process through authentic research experiences. The schedule for the event follows:

11:30    Complimentary lunch

11:45    Student/faculty panel

12:45    FYRE poster session

The department is able to support one faculty member to offer a section (each semester) next year as part of a regular teaching load, and I would really like to see PSY continue to be involved in this initiative. Project expenses are also covered (within reasonable limits), and there is the potential for partial GA support as well. Please let me know if you are interested in pursuing this further. Jenn Quinn, Robin Thomas, and I have all offered this “new version” of FYRE since its inception and can also provide feedback to faculty who might be interested.

OER workshop and stipend

From Anna Liss, our social sciences librarian:

Open Educational Resources (OER) help alleviate the burden of textbook costs for students and provide faculty with content that can be customized to their courses. Open textbooks are full, tangible textbooks, used by many faculty across the country, and licensed to be freely used, edited and distributed.

Miami University faculty are eligible for a $200 stipend toward their efforts in exploring open textbook options for one of their courses! Here’s how it works…

  1. Apply for a space in the upcoming “OER Explore” workshop on Monday, Oct. 23, 3:00 – 5:00pm in King Library—During this two-hour session you will learn more about open textbooks resources. Capacity is limited, and preference will be based on OTL textbook subject area availability. Those selected to participate in this initiative will be notified by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 20. Apply here.
  2. After participating in the workshop, write a review of one of the open textbooks found in the Open Textbook Library (OTL).

Please note that you must complete both steps in order to receive the $200 stipend. In an effort to promote wide-spread participation in this initiative, those faculty who participated in previous OER Explore Grant Workshops will not be eligible to participate in this cycle.

If you have questions about this workshop or open textbooks in general, please contact Carla Myers, Coordinator of Scholarly Communications, at 513-529-3935 or myersc2@miamioh.edu.

2017 Lilly Conference at Miami

Miami is host each year to the premier conference on college teaching, the Lilly Conference. The 37th annual conference will be held in the Armstrong Student Center, November 16-19.  Registration for Miami faculty is only $50, and is free for Miami graduate students and those currently participating in FLCs (including NFTEP).