Welcome to the Miami University Creative Writing Program blog. You’ll find extensive information on this site about our programs and community, including student resources.
There’s a lot to peruse. We’re home to a long-running and distinguished undergraduate creative writing program, one of the largest in the nation (with over 200 majors and minors), as well as another 25-30 graduate students in our outstanding MFA program in creative writing. We’re also home to several student publications and student groups, the Miami University Press, and an extensive reading series that includes many creative and publishing professionals, often successful alumni.
So please browse our blog to find out about our creative writing programs, visiting writers, students, faculty, alumni, community, readings, events, interviews, publications, etc. You can also find out much more (and the latest) on our frequently updated Instagram, Facebook & Twitter pages.
This Creative Writing blog is written and edited by Miami creative writing students and faculty. If you’re interested in writing for the blog, please contact me, Brian Ascalon Roley, Director of Creative Writing, at creativewriting@miamioh.edu. Thanks.

Miami alumni are successful as writers (in the past few years, recent graduates have sold books to Penguin USA, Alfred A. Knopf, Random House and Harcourt) and in careers in university teaching, public service, editing and publishing, advertising, and the business and non-profit sectors. Many of our alumni go on to hold fellowships at prestigious MFA and PhD programs after completing their studies at Miami. Their work has been included in the annual O. Henry Prize Stories collection and other anthologies, received Intro Awards from AWP and Honorable Mention in the Atlantic Monthly Young Writer’s Competition, and been published widely in literary journals. Among Miami alums are Pulitzer-nominated playwright Rajiv Joseph, former director of the Academy of American Poets Beth Harrison, and Pulitzer Prize winner Rita Dove.
Events & Readings
We have an extensive readings and events series, with visiting writers and publishing professionals, often alumni.
Students study with an actively publishing faculty who are also dedicated teachers. Miami is consistently ranked by US News & World Report at the very top of national universities (and best in Ohio) for Best Undergraduate Teaching, and our MFA program features close mentoring and the opportunity for all graduate students to teach creative writing.
Most of the photos above are at the end of successful MFA thesis defenses. The MFA program is designed around mentoring and producing a book-length, publishable manuscript.
Beautiful Location

All this occurs on a beautiful red brick campus, which Robert Frost called the most beautiful in the country, in a national university consistently ranked by US News and World as one of the top in the nation (and best in Ohio) for Best Undergraduate Teaching.