Get involved:
- For the latest, check out our our Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram pages.
- Join one of the student groups, or gain editorial experience staffing literary magazines such as Happy Captive Magazine and Inklings. MFA students can get involved with Oxmag and Miami University Press. Build your resume, make friends, publish.
- Attend our extensive readings & events series. Meet the many prominent and emergent authors and publishing professionals who come to campus each year to visit classes and give readings and craft talks.
- Opportunities to apprentice with creative writing faculty.
- Take our lively creative writing workshops taught by well-published, award winning faculty who are dedicated to teaching, at a university that is consistently ranked by U.S. News & World as one of the very top in the country (and top in Ohio) for Best Undergraduate Teaching.
- Check out the creative writing resources at King Library.
Awards, prizes, and scholarships:
- Undergraduate majors are eligible for departmental awards, prizes, and scholarships including, among many others, the prestigious Montaine Award and the Academy of American Poets Award.
- Graduate students are eligible for the annual Academy of American Poets Award, the AWP Intro Award, the Outstanding Graduate Student Award, and internships at Guangzhou University in China, among other opportunities.
Stay in the loop:
Follow the Creative Writing program on Twitter or click “like” on our Facebook community page to keep up with announcements about publishing opportunities, awards, internships, events, and lots more.
- Make sure you are signed up for the Creative Writing Major listserv,, or the listserv for Creative Writing graduate students, Essential information for students, as well as announcements about opportunities, is shared on the listservs. If you’re not subscribed, send an email message to that says, in the body of the message:
It’s best if your message is otherwise blank; also, make sure you are sending from your Miami address.