Hurray for successful collaboration across disciplines! Check out this wonderful book of short stories, or “fictional essays,” written by chemistry capstone students to help them think about ethical dilemmas in science. As the preface by Prof. Heeyoung Tai says, imaginative writing enabled students to “see the future—not just the benefits that scientific advances would bring, but the possible unintended consequences that they would need to address and consider at the same time.” Continue reading
Author Archives: wagnerc6
Call for English Department Interns and Apprentices
Miami University Press, the Creative Writing Program, and the Literature Program seek enthusiastic, talented, well-organized undergraduate interns and apprentices for 2017-18. The deadline for this year’s applications is Friday, April 21. Please follow the links below for application forms and position descriptions. Students are welcome to apply for more than one position.
Miami University Press Marketing Internship Application
Miami University Press Editorial Internship Application
Creative Writing Program Apprenticeship in Publicity and Event Promotion Application
Literature Program Apprenticeship in Publicity and Event Promotion
Questions? Please contact the Miami University Press Managing Editor Amy Toland, Director of Creative Writing, Dr. Cathy Wagner, or the Director of the Literature Program, Katie Johnson.
Summer dreaming: graduate school
It’s summertime and we’re taking a break from the blog for awhile. Wish all of us luck with our summer writing! But before we skedaddle, one last post. As Director of Creative Writing , I receive a lot of messages over the summer asking about our MA and MFA programs, so I suspect there are many smart, proactive students doing summer research on creative writing graduate programs who land on this blog. If you’re one of them, read on for a thumbnail sketch of Miami’s programs. Continue reading