Ashley Honeysett Reading
Join us in person or on Zoom for a reading featuring Ashley Honeysett. Her debut novella, FICTIONS, won the 2023 Miami University Press Novella Prize. [Zoom link forthcoming]
Simultaneously novella-in-stories, plague journal, memoir, and meditation on writing, Ashley Honeysett’s FICTIONS illuminates and explores the mind of a storyteller wrestling with the essential strangeness of writing fiction at a time when a common story has eluded us all. A box of finely made enchantments. – Hugh Sheehy, author of DESIGN FLAWS
About the Author:
Ashley Honeysett has lived throughout the United States as well as in Ireland and Japan and is now raising a child with her husband outside of Chicago, where she works as a fundraiser for environmental nonprofits. She studied creative writing at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, and published poetry and prose in journals there and at Michigan State University.