Please join us for our Miami University Annual Writer’s Harvest reading and art auction for hunger. November 21, 2023

UPDATE: Writer’s Harvest benefit reading and art auction raised over a thousand dollars and still coming in for TOPSS, Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Services (TOPSS). It featured wonderful readings from Miami University MFA graduate students and was organized by the creative writing program students and faculty along with Western College. Creative writing director Brian Ascalon Roley hosted, with artist Billy Simms handling the art auction. While this event is held annually around Thanksgiving, TOPSS’s efforts are year round and it’s still not too late to donate on their website. Thanks to everyone.

Note: One of our Writers Harvest readers, Danton Remoto, is having a book launch here at Miami University (and also on Zoom) on Feb 22, 2024, so keep an eye out here and on our events list. More spring events will be added to the calendar soon. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Please register using the QR code in the flier. This event is hosted by the Miami Director of Creative Writing, Brian Ascalon Roley, and co-sponsored by the Miami University Creative Writing program & English Department, and the Western Center for Social Impact and Innovation. Donations support local food pantry and social services nonprofit, TOPPS.

The Art Auction is live and open to bids for charity. You can view the art work and make bids. The work is donated; all money goes to TOPPS food pantry and social services.