September 16 Project Update

Wow! It’s the middle of September already and the leaves are beginning to change. Time moves so fast, and so does the Banner Self Service team as it forges ahead.

Training aids for Direct Deposit are nearly complete. We will begin the development of mini videos to answer any questions you may have in creating, updating, or changing your direct deposit in Banner.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within Banner Self Service.

Self Service page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 24,989  
Finance: 4,430        
General: 13,255     
Student Financial aid: 109,282

Self Service Selected page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 16,319
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 660   
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 7,237   
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 3,003
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 87,353

September 9 Project Update

Welcome back from the Labor Day break. Hoping everyone had a safe holiday!

Our first draft of training aids for Direct Deposit has been completed. We look forward to providing this assistance over the next few months.

Other Banner Self Service capabilities that are available and encourage you to use are:
* Employee Profile
* Leave Reporting
* Labor Distribution

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within Banner Self Service.

Banner Self Service page access audit numbers module totals:
* Employee: 22,574
* Finance: 3,557      
* General: 11,149     
* Student Financial aid: 106,500

Banner Self Service Selected page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 14,699
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 603 
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 5,836
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 2,514 /StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 85,099

September 2 Project Update

A new school year started this week, but that didn’t slow down the Banner Self Service team much!

Direct Deposit functionality will be moving to Banner Self Service over the next few months. This change allows us to better communicate the use and functionality of Direct Deposit. Training and job aids are being developed to assist employees in setting and maintaining their account information.

We’re one step closer… for attaching documents to journal vouchers. We continue to work with Ellucian on resolving the most recent issues found during testing.

A review of the new interface was completed by both the Registration and Accounts Receivable teams. Suggested changes in wording have been drafted to make it clearer to students on what actions they need to take for payments.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within Banner Self Service.

Banner Self Service page access audit numbers module totals:
* Employee: 20,003
* Finance: 3,110  
* General: 9,297   
* Student Financial aid: 104,293

Selected Banner Self Service page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 12,928
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 591
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 4,800
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 2,154    /StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 83,267

August 26 Project Update

A new school year started this week, but that didn’t slow down the SSB9 team much!

Direct Deposit functionality will be moving to SSB9 over the next few months. This change allows us to better communicate the use and functionality of Direct Deposit. Training and job aids are being developed to assist employees in setting and maintaining their account information.

We’re one step closer… to attaching documents to journal vouchers. We continue to work with Ellucian on resolving the most recent issues found during testing.

A review of the new interface was completed by both the Registration and Accounts Receivable teams. Suggested changes in wording have been drafted to make it clearer to students on what actions they need to take for payments. We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.

SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 15,163
Finance: 2,061
General: 6,132 
Student Financial aid: 99,453

Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 9,539
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 526
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 3,113
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 1,490
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 79,427

August 19 Project Update

Updates for security issues were applied to PROD the weekend of August 13.

The following were installed on August 13 as part of the PRODBanner 9x Database Upgrade 9.27:
Banner Student Self Service: 9.20.1
Banner Ethos API DB Upgrade: 9.27
Banner Ethos API DB Upgrade:
Banner 9x Database Upgrade:
Banner Faculty Self Service: 9.18.1
Banner General Self Service:
Banner Admin Common:
Banner Student:
Banner Student Registration Self Service: 9.25.1
Banner Integration API:
Banner Student API:
Banner Employee Self-Service:
Banner Finance Self-Service:
Banner Communication Management:
Banner Application Navigator:
Banner Event Publisher:
Banner Extensibility:
Banner Document Management API:
Banner Student eTranscript API:
Banner General: 8.14.1
Banner Student: 8.24
Banner Student: 8.24.

We have also begun working on moving BannerWeb functionality to SSB9 – these include W4 collection information, Work Address updates, and Fee Waiver. Design and setup of Effort Reporting are underway, Benefits for New Hires, and Open Enrollment for 2023 processing.

We continue to work with Ellucian on resolving issues with uploading documents for JVs.

A review of the initial setup of Registration, Student Profile, and the menu for Student is in process. Load Testing of the SSB9 Registration module will begin mid-Fall to ensure an efficient, reliable way for students to register.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.

SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 12,770
Finance: 1,349
General: 3,833
Student Financial Aid: 92,822

Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 7,910
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 500
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 1,806
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 1,055
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 74,193

August 12 Project Update

Again, another busy week in SSB9 land.

Due to required security updates from Elllucian, teams were heavily involved in validating the upgrades before implementing them this week. The teams have also been focusing on being ready for the start of school which begins on August 22.

The upgrades done the weekend of July 30 unexpectedly activated some functionality in production that we were not ready to have active. It was deactivated and the vendor was contacted for feedback on how/why their upgrade overrode our configurations.

The updates for the grails vulnerabilities were installed in production this past weekend (August 13). June upgrades will be installed into our testing environment the week of August 15.

We are one step closer to implementing attaching documents to Journal Vouchers and look forward to doing so in late September.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.

SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 11,264     
Finance: 1,185       
General: 3,198      
Student Financial Aid: 86,884

Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 7,136
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 482
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 1,512
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 903
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 69,555

August 5 Project Update

This week has been BUSY in the SSB9 project world.

SSB8 ePAFs has been turned off. The link to the SSB9 ePAF process is available for use. It was a solid switch over with only a few access issues for end users, related to security configuration changes the vendor made between SSB8 and SSB9. All seems well for this newest go-live. Congratulations to the ePAF team for such a smooth transition. In particular, kudos go to Becky Sander and Sarah Persinger for their tremendous effort in getting this accomplished.

Behind the scenes, we’re moving forward with SSB9 solutions for Direct Deposit, W4 Address, Work Address, Benefits, attaching documents to JVs, ePromise, and communications.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.

SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 7,949 
Finance: 729   
General: 1,575    
Student Financial aid: 75,733

Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 5,475
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 458
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 740
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 549
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 60,887

July 29 Project Update

Exciting news!
We keep moving forward and this coming MONDAY we have two things:
* New myMiami debuts on August 1 and will display new SSB9 features and functionality.
* SSB9 ePAFS will be available for users.

These are important milestones for enhanced service and functionality for the University. As we move closer to year-end, other features that will be made available in SSB9 will include:

  • Attaching documents to journal vouchers
  • W4 data collection
  • Work Address Maintenance
  • New Hire Benefits selections
  • Registration
  • ePromise

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.

SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 5,910
Finance: 535
General: 877
Student Financial aid: 69,808

Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 4,256
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 439
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 406
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 404
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 56,259

REMINDER: EPAFs can only be submitted in SSB9 after July 31
As part of the BannerWeb 9 (SSB9) rollout, Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) will no longer be processed in BannerWeb 8 after July 31, 2022. Beginning August 1, if you have access to EPAFs, the EPAF link will redirect you to the Employee Dashboard in SSB9. The EPAF link will be in the ‘My Activities’ area on the right-hand side.  (If you would like a copy of the EPAF Instructions, please send an email to and request it.)

All EPAFs submitted after July 31 will use SSB9. If you submitted an EPAF in BannerWeb 8, and it is not through all approvals by July 31, it will be completed using SSB9 by the assigned approvers, and there will not be anything else that you need to do.
Although the look and feel for EPAFs in SSB9 is different, you will have the same options available to you as with BannerWeb 8, and the processing will be the same.

July 22 Project Update

With the rollout of the new myMiami on August 1, 2022, new SSB9 features and functionality will also be available. Make certain to check here, at least monthly, to see the new/enhanced services that will be available with the various SSB9 module rollouts.

Selected page access audit numbers:
* Employee: 4,830
* Finance: 417
* General: 690
* Student Financial aid: 62,446

EPAFs only submitted in SSB9 after July 31

As part of the Bannerweb 9 (SSB9) rollout, Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) will no longer be processed in Bannerweb 8 after July 31, 2022. Beginning August 1, if you have access to EPAFs, the EPAF link will redirect you to the Employee Dashboard in SSB9. The EPAF link will be in the ‘My Activities’ area on the right-hand side.  (Please see the EPAF Instructions for details.) 

All EPAFs submitted after July 31 will use SSB9. If you submitted an EPAF in Bannerweb 8, and it is not through all approvals by July 31, it will be completed using SSB9 by the assigned approvers, and there will not be anything else that you need to do.

Although the look and feel for EPAFs in SSB9 is different, you will have the same options available to you as with Bannerweb 8, and the processing will be the same.