Monthly Archives: July 2022

July 22 Project Update

With the rollout of the new myMiami on August 1, 2022, new SSB9 features and functionality will also be available. Make certain to check here, at least monthly, to see the new/enhanced services that will be available with the various SSB9 module rollouts.

Selected page access audit numbers:
* Employee: 4,830
* Finance: 417
* General: 690
* Student Financial aid: 62,446

EPAFs only submitted in SSB9 after July 31

As part of the Bannerweb 9 (SSB9) rollout, Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) will no longer be processed in Bannerweb 8 after July 31, 2022. Beginning August 1, if you have access to EPAFs, the EPAF link will redirect you to the Employee Dashboard in SSB9. The EPAF link will be in the ‘My Activities’ area on the right-hand side.  (Please see the EPAF Instructions for details.) 

All EPAFs submitted after July 31 will use SSB9. If you submitted an EPAF in Bannerweb 8, and it is not through all approvals by July 31, it will be completed using SSB9 by the assigned approvers, and there will not be anything else that you need to do.

Although the look and feel for EPAFs in SSB9 is different, you will have the same options available to you as with Bannerweb 8, and the processing will be the same.

July 8 Project Update

The March releases recently reinstalled in our testing environments include some accessibility fixes. They will be evaluated and installed in production.

The June releases include additional accessibility fixes. They are scheduled to be installed in our testing environments in August for evaluation.

Some Banner 9 Self Service content has been added to the new OneCampus (new myMiami going live August 1) portal.

These Banner 9 Self Service links are being added on the LifeRay (current myMiami) Employee tab:

To give you an idea of the usage numbers for Banner 9 Self Service modules, here are some page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard = 2,362
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution = 326
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general = 134
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation = 199
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid = 36,990

July 1 Project Update

The BDM upgrade has been implemented in PROD this week. We will be starting our testing of attaching documents to JVs shortly. We look forward to releasing this functionality in the fall.

All Banner upgrades from the March releases are now in our testing environments. Functional users will start validating the updates and new features for use at Miami.

We are busy, behind the scenes, setting the stage for SSB9 Student module releases in November. We’ve also begun the work on converting some of our custom functionality from SSB8 to SSB9 where necessary.

Happy Fourth of July everyone! Stay safe.