Contemplation, Todd Stuart

Todd Stuart is an artist, entrepreneur, and educator based in Ohio. He is an Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Arts Management & Entrepreneurship at Miami University. Stuart holds a BA from the University of Florida, and an MFA and MBA from the University of South Carolina. In the past, he worked as an entrepreneur in theatre, design, and consumer goods. He has exhibited in group shows at A. Smith Gallery, The Atlanta Photography Group, Pop Revolution Gallery, PhotoPlace Gallery, and in both the Dayton Artist Society and Mohawk Gallery as part of the 2020 FotoFocus Biennial. Stuart’s work has also been exhibited internationally at the PS21 Gallery in Budapest Hungary. His 1st solo show was at the Art Lobby/Miami University this fall.

There is beauty in moments that pass us by so quickly. I am inspired to create an image by light, movement, color, subject, feeling, or any combination i. I work through 5 interconnected steps – seeing, capturing, editing, printing, and reflecting. No one step is more important than the other. Each step in making the finished image, if an image is ever finished, provides more clarity. While my work presents the way I see and feel about the world in those elusive moments, the work is open to the viewer to bring their story, to complete the work. What do you see?