As the spring semester quickly comes to an end, college seniors get hit with a lot of questions that are hard to answer (I know I have!). Living arrangements. Career paths. Social life. Networking connections. These are THE hot topics in my life (and involved in at least 75% of the conversations I have). Though there are no correct answers to these questions, here’s some advice from a college senior experiencing the same transition.

“So, what’s next?” 

This is a daunting question for a 22-year-old. Some will further their education with graduate or medical school, while others might enter the job market right away or even take a gap year to figure out the correct path for them. The best advice I have received when talking about my concerns and frustrations with not knowing what’s next is “embrace the uncertainty”. It’s okay to not have everything figured out just yet. It would be better to take your time to explore your options and confidently start a new phase of your life (maybe a couple of months after graduation) than to rush into something you might not enjoy. I’m trying to tell myself this every time I hear someone else has landed a job while I’m still working on it!

“Should I live at home or try to move out immediately?”

Living at home definitely offers financial relief and familiar comforts, but there is always the question of independence and personal growth moving back home. On the flip side, immediately finding an apartment, by yourself or with roommates, allows you the freedom you know from college, but with more scary tasks of adulting added to the pile. There are pros and cons to both decisions, though the choice is ultimately up to what you think will be most beneficial in the future. 

“How will I be able to make new friends and keep a fun social life post-grad?”

Wherever you end up, there will always be people around you who are in a similar position and looking for a friend. They may be harder to find than here at Miami, but they are out there! Whether it’s through professional networking, community events, shared hobbies, or interests, it’s all about putting yourself out there (just as you probably did at Miami)! As you find new groups to spend your time with, don’t forget about those friends you built relationships with over the last four years. The likelihood of being in the same city as all your college besties is unfortunately low. Make time to call or text every once in a while and plan visits to their new homes! It’s an exciting time to travel and connect with new people all around!

“How can I make sure I am well-connected with Miami faculty and staff post-grad?”

The relationships you created with Miami faculty and staff are some of the most valuable assets you could have in your early years post-graduation. Don’t be afraid to reach out for mentorship opportunities, professional recommendations, and guidance as you near our May graduation date. By keeping these lines of communication open, you will create a professional support system to guide you as you enter the real world. 

There’s really no one-size-fits-all answer for what or how you should be doing anything during the transition from college to real life. Everyone is on their own timeline and you shouldn’t compare your position to others around you! The right path for you will reveal itself at the correct time. And from a Miami senior (who doesn’t have it all figured out yet), enjoy your last month of college. It’s been the best time of my life. So far.

– Kenzie Abodeely, Class of 2024