The 2022 midterm elections are just around the corner.
In college, we think of “midterms” more in relation to our exam schedule than in politics. But the “midterm” election isn’t a test -it just means we’re halfway through the current presidency.
A third of U.S. senate seats are up for election, as are all 435 House of Representative seats. Add in the state and local officials and other ballot issues… midterms are a big deal.
Use your voice. It’s important for so many reasons. In fact, we worked with the Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service to ask student leaders around campus to weigh in on why THEY vote. They’ve made the choice to vote and we hope you do too.
Check out a few voting resources at the end of this post!

“I vote as an example to the rest of Gen-Z to stay educated on the issues that impact our generation and to use the increasing size of our voting population as representation that our issues matter in government.”
Mollie Duffy
Fellow, Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service
“I vote to ensure this right is continually guaranteed to all citizens, regardless of their beliefs, party, gender, race, age, precinct, or state.”
Cameron Tiefenthaler
Secretary for Governmental Relations, ASG

I vote because my AP government teacher told me if you choose not to vote, you don’t get to complain.
Anthony Bennett
SEAL Ambassador, MAP member

“I vote because it is a privilege that is essential to a well-functioning democracy and a valuable exercise of civic engagement that so many have sacrificed for.
Fostering progress in our communities requires individual participation at all levels—federal, state, and local.
I vote so that the needs of my community are addressed by those in public office.
I vote for a better present and a brighter future, and these objectives require an empowered citizenry that is devoted to advocacy as well as promoting the role of participation in lifting ALL voices.”
Cathleen McLaughlin
Secretary for Academic Affairs, ASG
“I vote because I want to participate in my civic duty!”
Margeaux Harding
President, MAP
“I vote because I know that each individual vote counts.
I vote because we cannot make change without every person voting and the only way we will progress as a county is to ensure all voices are heard.”
Nikki Lescano
President, Multicultural Greek Council

“To me voting is a crucial step in fighting towards the goals and changes that you wish to see in your county, community, and city. Although there are a vast number of opportunities that enable one to help create those changes, write up legislations, and advocate for groups of people, in the end all of those decisions and changes undergo voting procedures that determine its’ effectiveness and implications.
As always if you want to see the representation you either have to step up and be that representation or you need to vote and in turn support those who are working towards creating progressive changes and bringing a voice to communities across the nation.”
Sevara Ubaydullaeva
President, Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Incorporated,
Executive Vice President, Multicultural Greek Council

“I vote because I think that it’s important for people to have their voices heard and that we can make positive impacts.
I care about the issues and believe voting is an important part of being a citizen.”
Annabel DeChant
Fellow, Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service
“I vote because I want to exercise my rights and I believe that everyone should. I also care about the future of our country and how our rights should be expressed for all citizens.”
Sriya Kakarala
Director of Series Events, MAP
“Voting is an important matter because representation matters for our local community and for our nation as well. I’m making sure I’m represented as a black woman in our elected officials.”
Gabbi Purnell
President, Black Leadership Coalition, Secretary for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

“I vote because it’s important to use my voice to elect leaders
who will enact the change I want to see.”
Kenzi Lee
President, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

“Voting is a right and privilege and women and people of color did not always have this privilege. I vote for those who do not have a voice.”
Valeri Hernandez Godinez
Fellow, Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service
“I vote because it lets me express my voice in how this nation, state, and city is run. As soon as I stop, it risks all that I care about and I would rather vote and lose than be passive.”
Ian Rose
Director of Collaborations, MAP
“I vote not only because my own identities depend on it but also for the many other identities and groups that our society overlooks. I vote because I recognize the power of my voice!”
Nyah Smith
Head Seal Ambassador, Center for Student Engagement, Activities, and Leadership

Voting Absentee?
Students can stop by ASC 2018 to get a free stamp and envelope for their absentee ballot / absentee ballot request form.
Election Day
The Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service is hosting a party at the polls on election day at Marcum, 3-6 p.m. with free food, giveaways, and of course, election resources.