If you’re looking for something to do this summer, trust me, I have been there! You’ll probably spend the first few weeks relaxing and taking a (much needed) post-finals break, but shortly after you’ll get bored and need some way to spend the next three months. Getting a summer job or internship is great, but what else is there? Check out the list we crafted below for some ideas.


As a marketing major, something I have always wanted to improve are my Adobe Suite skills. I know how to use the program and get by, but practice makes perfect and summer is the best time to hone a skill like this. If there is a skill that will make your resume pop or if there is just something you’ve always been interested in learning about, take the time this summer to focus on it!


Last summer when everything was shut down, my sister and I visited every local hiking trail that we could find. It helped us escape the house and enjoy the warm weather. It was also really fun to see new places we had never been before. Especially now that stores are beginning to reopen, it’s a great time to explore new locations and support small businesses. You could even make this a challenge, and try to visit one new restaurant each week this summer.


While we may have the summer off, odds are you have family that still has to work full-time jobs. When you have a little extra time on your hands, try helping by going grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, or doing the dishes. One way I like to help is by meal planning for the week, making the grocery list, and cooking dinner. It’s a small way I can show my appreciation for them buying all the groceries. Plus it helps me avoid having to eat my mom’s cooking (Love you, Mom!).


Spending time at the end of your day to focus on yourself and reflect on what happened can be a really healthy habit. It helps you relax right before bed and get a better night sleep since you won’t be on your phone. I love journaling because it makes me appreciate all the littles things that occurred during the day. It is also a great way to get your creative juices flowing and keep your mind sharp for when you return to classes in the fall. 

If journaling every day seems like a lot, a small way to incorporate this into your life is by making a positivity jar. All you’ll need is a clear jar and different colored post-it notes. Whenever something AMAZING happens or you experience something that makes you laugh out loud, write it down. At the end of the summer you’ll have a jar full of positive experiences that you can read to enjoy. I used to do this and it was the perfect way to make me feel better on extra hard days.


Having an unlimited amount of food and soda at your disposal in the dining halls, can be GREAT – but also not so good for your health. Take the time this summer to cut out those sugar cravings and incorporate more fruits/veggies into your diet. Plus the weather will be great (minus cicada season), so you can go outside and partake in healthy activities. My favorite thing to do is play frisbee golf at the course nearby my house. 


All semester, you had to read books and articles that you didn’t get to choose. But how many times did you read a book for pure enjoyment? Try visiting your local library to pick up a book on a subject that interests you. I love getting easy-read books and chilling in my hammock in the backyard.


Summer classes are great if you switched your major late, are trying to graduate early, or just want to have an easier course load later in the semester. They can be taken both in-person in Oxford and online from your home. Classes might fill up though, so make sure you register before it’s too late!


If you are looking for a job this summer that will continue into the school year, then it’s a good thing you read until the end of this article. WE’RE HIRING! Student Life Communications is looking for students (incoming Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors) to work as Social Media Associates this summer and into the next school year. The work would be virtual during the summer so you could do it from home, but in-person when you return in the fall. This position is great for someone who loves creating social media content, has an interest in getting paid to attend on-campus events, has strong communication skills, and has a ton of creativity! For more information click here.

Regardless of how you choose to spend your summer, we hope you enjoy it! It’s important to relax and take time to yourself so that when you do return to classes in the fall you will be READY TO GO.

Hannah Frier | Marketing