People – we’re ALMOST done. Summer is so close! There is just one more thing we have to tackle – online finals. Now, the last thing I want to do is pull an all-nighter at home. That just isn’t right. So before you try to load up on coffee in your kitchen at 10:30pm on Sunday night, read this blog.

This might seem easy, but let’s start with knowing your finals schedule. Is your professor still giving an exam? If the answer is no, I envy you. Have a clear picture of your exams schedule and when your exam time blocks will be open. Staying organized and having a set agenda will help ease your anxiety (pinky swear).

(Me either trust me)

Don’t procrastinate studying. Read that twice!! Prioritize either your first exam, or the one you suspect will be the hardest. There’s just too much that can go wrong if you wait for the few hours before the exam to really buckle down. What if your laptop freezes? What if your alarm doesn’t go off? What if the stay-at-home order is lifted that day and you’re accidentally outside celebrating too long?  Too risky. Spread it out, and don’t procrastinate. 

Create a reasonable study schedule. On the flip side, don’t spend 10 hours straight studying in a day. That will exhaust you and nothing will stick in your mind from the fatigue of staring at your notes. Make a schedule that lets you study at your own pace – if you aren’t sure where to start, try doing 30 minutes to an hour with a 10-15 minute break in between. And don’t let that break turn into two hours!

Switch up your study space. Put yourself in finals mode by finding a new spot to study. Limit noise and distractions in this spot, and bring water or a snack. Take it a step further and take your exam in the same place! You’ll be in the right headspace automatically.

Build the right habits. Timed online exams have a completely different vibe than in-class exams. When you take the practice exam or answer questions out of your textbook, watch the clock. Especially if you know your exam will be heavy with short answer and extended response questions. 

Take these tips into consideration before the next two weeks fly by and finals are upon us! With that being said, I want to remind you that the value of your personal qualities can’t be measured by exams or grades. The transition to online learning has been challenging in many ways, and has offered immense opportunities for growth. I’d just like to remind you that much more than getting a good grade on your final, you are awesome because you are:

  • Authentic
  • Kindhearted
  • Diligent
  • Gracious
  • Strong
  • Compassionate

Keep in mind why you are putting in all this hard work. Get some sleep, squeeze in a jog and some breakfast. You got this!

Kathryn Moir | Marketing & IMS