Finals Week has arrived! Take a deep breath, relax, and read this post because we’ve compiled a list of ways to reduce your stress and do your best this Finals Week!

1. Pet an animal

The miniature horses and therapy dogs will both be on campus today (Monday, 5/8/17) and the dogs will be back tomorrow to meet all of your animal-petting needs. There’s just something about taking a break to give some cuddles to an adorable animal to calm the nerves.

Dog Days at Finals. May 8-9, 2017. Shriver Dolibois, 1 -4 pmMini Horse Therapy at Finals. May 8, 2017. 1 - 3 pm Armstrong Patio.

2. Avoid cramming

Cramming causes anxiety which can lower one’s ability to retain information. Study in increments over a longer period of time rather than cramming all of your studying into a few hours the night before your exam. Give yourself small breaks in between each increment of studying.

students sitting on the ground and in chairs in a classroom hallway, looking over notes

3. Get active

Cardio is a proven stress reliever! Just 20 minutes of cardio of day can help improve memory and decrease stress. Go for a short run or walk outside to increase your energy and prepare for more studying.

Student Running on campus

4. Eat Well

Diet is key. Students who eat a healthy balanced diet, not only on the morning of but the whole week before an exam, tend to perform better on exams. Fuel your body and your brain by taking breaks and making sure that you eat healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.

Salad Bar

5. Change up your study spot

Spending all day and night in the library can be draining. Change up your environment for a fresh start and to avoid boredom and improve retention of information. And the Armstrong Fritz Pavilion is an open study room all week!

Beginning Friday, May 5th at 7 pm the Fritz Pavilion becomes an open study room - no reservations!

6. Get some sleep

If at all possible, avoid pulling an all-nighter. All-nighters can impair reasoning and memory. Get a good night’s sleep (6-8 hours) to perform better on exams. Pro tip: Review your hardest material right before you go to bed the night before your exam. It makes it easier to recall in the morning!

7. Test yourself

Use flashcards and study guide questions to test yourself! These are great techniques to see how effective your studying was and learn what information you need to focus more study time on.

8. Brush up on final exam prep advice from Rinella

The Rinella Learning Center has a whole page dedicated to study and test-taking strategies for final exams. It’s worth taking a look!

Final Exam preparation guidebook

9. Minimize Distractions

Studies show that students who text, scroll social media, listen to music, or watch TV while studying are less likely to retain information. Put your phone away and turn the TV off for better results.

