With changing weather (and changing… and changing…) in Ohio, cold and flu season is upon us! It’s certainly no fun being sick at school and far from home, so here are a few reminders as you transition back to campus to avoid getting sick this season.
Wash your hands…A LOT
Washing your hands will get rid of germs that may be lurking. Wash your hands especially after touching items, such as door knobs, that may have come in contact with sick people.
Avoid close contact with people who are already sick
It’s easy to catch a cold by being in close proximity to others that are sick. Keep your space until they are healthy again.
Get enough sleep
When you’re run-down and tired, your immune system can be weakened. Lack of sleep can contribute to getting sick. It is recommended that college students get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
Keep your surroundings clean and sanitized
Clean your room and sanitize. Getting rid of germs is key in the fight against the common cold.
Get vaccinated!
Have you gotten a flu-shot yet? Getting vaccinated can cut down on your chances of getting the flu. The Miami Student Health Center offer flu-shots at various locations for students.
Eat a healthy diet
A diet high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is essential for your health! The Miami Spread (Miami Dining’s blog) has some great healthy eating tips right now – check it out!
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
If you can’t wash your hands with soap and water, hand sanitizer is the next best option. Keep a small alcohol-based sanitizer with you at all times just in case you may need it!
Drink lots of water
Hydration is so important! Studies show that drinking water keeps your mucus membranes in your nose and throat moist so they can better trap things like dust and bacteria.
Go out and get some fresh air
You tend to get sick when the weather gets colder because you stay inside more often and share the air. Get outside, even just for a short amount of time, to get some fresh air!
Moderate exercise can actually boost your immune system!
*Photos from Google Images
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