With Thanksgiving coming up, and Winter Break right around the corner, be sure to keep your off-campus residence safe and avoid theft/break-ins! Here are a few important tips to keep in mind:

1. Lock all of your doors and windows.

First, figure out who in your house / unit will be the last to leave. That person should double check locks on all doors and windows, and make sure to leave curtains and blinds closed. 5577108264_d994cdbda2_b

2. Do not leave hidden spare keys

If you leave a spare key laying around outside, even if hidden, you are basically inviting intruders into your home!


3. Take your valuable items with you

Take jewelry, electronics, sentimental items, and other valuables home with you!

Pro-Tip: Take pictures of valuables you aren’t taking in case they are stolen, so you can later report it.


4. Do not announce travel plans

Announcing your plans will let people know that your house will be vacant for a period of time. DO NOT leave a note on your door for postal service telling them that you will not be home.


5. Temporarily stop your mail

You can stop your mail for a period of time by using the U.S. Postal Service Hold Mail Service. This way mail and packages do not pile up, suggesting that you may not be home.


6. Keep lights on

Consider keeping a few exterior lights on, especially those around doors.


7. Use plug-in automatic timers

Automatic timers can be used to turn on interior lights to deter intruders from entering. Timers can be purchased at many stores, but you can receive FREE timers and door alarms on campus at the following locations:

(M-F, 8am-5pm):

  • Off-Campus Outreach (112 Warfield Hall)
  • Student Wellness (Health Services Building)
  • Community Engagement and Service (Hanna House)


8.  Vacant House Checks

The Oxford Police department will check up on your house over breaks if you fill out and submit the Vacant House Check Form online.


9. Lock your car doors

If you are planning to catch a ride leave your car behind, be sure all your cars doors are locked and windows are up.

Reminder: There is a 72-hour parking limit on all Oxford city streets. This means you cannot leave your car in the same spot for more than 3 days in a row. Failure to comply may result in a ticket or being towed.


10. Use Door / Window Alarms

These alarms can be placed on any door or window to your home and set to alarm whenever the door or window is opened. While it’s a low-tech option that doesn’t connect to the police, it can be enough to scare away an intruder! Pick up a free door /window alarm on campus at the following locations:

(M-F, 8am-5pm):

  • Off-Campus Outreach (112 Warfield Hall)
  • Student Wellness (Health Services Building)
  • Community Engagement and Service (Hanna House)

door window alarms

Categories: Life at Miami