Class registration can be stressful! With registration starting next month, here are a few tips to make the process run smoothly.

1.Meet with your academic advisor!

This is the most important first step for a successful class registration! Your advisor will have advice on what classes you should be taking to keep you on track. It’s also nice to meet with them to make sure everything on your DAR is getting fulfilledy, figure out how to add or change majors / minors, and/or fit in study abroad opportunities or internships.


2. Plan out your classes for the next few semesters.

Think ahead! Knowing what classes you need to take in the future will help you decide what classes are important to take now. Some classes aren’t offered every semester, or even year, and many require prerequisites, and it’s definitely helpful to know these things earlier rather than later.



3. Check BannerWeb for your class registration date and time.

Students are assigned different days and time slots for class registration depending on their year, credits, major, and status as an athlete, honors, etc. Make sure you log on to BannerWeb to check your time slot! On Banner, go to “Student Services & Financial Aid,” click “Registration” and then “Check Your Registration Status and Your Registration Dates & Times.”


4. Make sure there are no holds on your account.

If there is a hold on your account, you will not be able to register for classes. You can check if you have any holds on Bannerweb (same link as your registration date and time) or on your MyMiami page.


5. Look up classes that are being offered for the semester.

“Look up classes to add” on Bannerweb. This will show you a list of all the classes and sections offered for the upcoming semester. Start to plan your schedule by writing down all the sections and CRN numbers of the classes that you want to be in or that work well in your personal schedule. Make a few different versions so you have options in case your preferred section fills up!


6. Day of registration: Set an alarm!

This seems like a no-brainier, but students sleep through their registration time every year! While your time window to register is a full day, the most popular sections fill up very early in the morning! Don’t miss out on classes because you slept in!


7. Make sure you select the right campus.

If you’re registering for classes at Miami’s main campus, make sure you click “Oxford Campus”. Otherwise, classes that are offered in Hamilton, Middletown and West Chester will also show up and you run the risk of signing up for a class that isn’t offered on our campus!


8. Utilize CRN numbers.

Every class has a 5-digit number CRN number listed to the left of the class. To register for classes quickly and all at once, type these numbers in during registration. All of those classes will be added at the same time! This eliminates having to register classes one at a time and having to reload your registration form every time.


9. View schedule by day and time.

Once you’ve registered for all of the classes that you wanted, view your schedule by day and time! This will give you a calendar view of your classes and you can easily see if there are any issues. Also, be mindful of scheduling classes back to back because you need to make sure you allow yourself enough time in between classes to walk from building to building. Viewing your schedule by day and time will allow you to see how long you have between classes.


10. Check back often.

So maybe you the class section that you wanted  was already full. Don’t worry; check back on BannerWeb frequently as people may drop classes, opening up a spot for you! Also, new sections may be added throughout the end of the semester for classes that are popular and fill up quickly, so make sure you don’t miss out on those additions!


11. Look into force-adding.

While some professors do not allow this, check with your department to see if force-adding into classes is possible. Some departments have waitlists that will let you know if a spot opens up. Just because you weren’t able to get into the class on Banner during registration, the door isn’t necessarily closed. Explore your options and talk to your advisor or department chair.


12. Stay calm!

Registering for classes may seem overwhelming, but stay calm throughout the process and don’t panic. Miami wants you to be successful and graduate, so utilize professors and advisors to get into the classes that you need. Good luck, you’ve got this!
