Miami has special programs offered to incoming students who are looking to get connected before move-in day. Here’s a run down of your options:
1. MADE@Miami
Dates: August 23 – 25, 2016
Cost: Free
Register for MADE@Miami
Mentoring, Achievement, Diversity, and Excellence. MADE is open to all incoming students; students of color, LGBTQ+ identified students, international students, and students receiving Miami Access Initiative scholarships are strongly encouraged to attend.

Made@Miami 2016 Dates
2. Miami Bound: Equestrian
Dates: August 22-25, 2016
Cost: $335.00
Register for Miami Bound: Equestrian
Horse lovers, this one is for you. Meet other students with similar interests, move to campus early, and get lessons and ride with trained coaches!

Horse stables
3. Miami Bound: Outdoor Pursuits
A Taste of the Outdoors
Dates: August 22-25, 2016
Cost: $249
Register for Miami Bound: Outdoor Pursuits
Meet up with new students and head down to Kentucky’s Red River Gorge for some hiking and nearby caving. Costs include meals, transportation, camping, and equipment.
River Trek
Dates: August 22-25, 2016
Cost: $195
Register for Miami Bound: Outdoor Pursuits
Stay a bit closer to Miami and explore Hueston Woods State Park, where you’re learn to paddle a canoe or kayak and spend two nights camping by the river. Costs include meals, transportation, camping and equipment.
4. Miami Bound: Team Up!
Dates: August 21 – 25, 2016
Cost: $195
Register for Miami Bound: Team Up!
Move in early and then start MOVING! Your body, that is. This week-long journey will take you through the myriad of recreational activities, resources, and staff at Miami in Oxford for students who care about sports, wellness, and recreation.

Rec Center Rock Wall
5. Miami Bound: Community DIVE
Dates: August 22 – 25, 2016
Cost: Free
Register for Miami Bound: Community DIVE
Community DIVE (Diverse Immersion & Volunteer Experience). This brand new program will help you engage with social justice and the community. You’ll become more familiar with our local communities, engage in dialogue about service, and meet with faculty and staff from across campus.

Oxford Food Pantry
6. Miami U-Lead is already full. But if you want to learn more, head to the U-Lead website.
We hope you’ll consider getting a jump start to your move-in week by meeting new friends, engaging early, and starting to step outside of that comfort zone right away!