1. Organize your notes.  Fly through material while easily spotting important topics, headings, or details you might miss otherwise with neat, bulleted notes.  giphy
  2. Make a study playlist. Pick a playlist to help you block out distracting noises and set the tone for concentration! Make your favorite “focus playlist” and fill it with whatever songs help you stay on the track and study! giphy2
  3. Book a study space. Study spaces can be reserved anytime through Miami’s Libraries website. Go ahead and reserve some private space for even more peace and quiet. giphy3
  4. Have study snacks on hand. If you’re worried that even the smallest trip to grab something to eat will distract you, then keep some snacks on hand to munch on while you’re staying focused. giphy4
  5. Study in group sessions.  Toward the end of finals, studying can be difficult to do all on your own. Call up some classmates and come up with fun ways to quiz each other to lessen the burden of studying by yourself. giphy5