Category Archives: Making Thinking Visible

Coldiron_MTV Strategies

Lesson 1 1st Grade Art: Intro to Ancient Architecture (See – Think – Wonder) Lesson Objective: This lesson will introduce students to ancient architecture of Greece and the Mediterranean. The see, think, wonder exercise will help students to generate ideas for … Continue reading

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Frydryk – MTV Strategies

Headlines (Modification):  Derivatives & Their Applications Overview/Objective:  Students will use their knowledge of derivatives to write a headline that conveys their understanding of the concept of derivatives, then write a new headline (separate from the previous headlines) as each new … Continue reading

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Bradford – MTV Strategies

Rules of Exponents: “Used to Think” Method Lesson Objectives For this lesson, students are learning to combine rules of exponents to simplify expressions.  This activity was created to reveal student misconceptions about exponential expressions, and to cause students to critically … Continue reading

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Knurek – MTV Strategies

Lesson #1: Real Numbers – Chalk Talk Overview: ‘Real Numbers’ is the first topic that we cover in Pre-Algebra. Students explore the real number system and discover the difference between rational and irrational numbers. From there, students further categorize rational numbers … Continue reading

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MTV Strategy Based Lesson Plans_Heller

This blog post contains two lesson plans intended for Algebra I classrooms. The lessons can be adapted for similar topics in pre-algebra or Algebra II with moderate alterations. The two thinking strategies that I chose to highlight are the See-Think-Wonder … Continue reading

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Thinking Routines Lessons_Altieri

This blog post contains two lesson plans that can be implemented in Algebra 1 or Geometry classrooms.  I created the lessons to specifically reflect two thinking routines (Zoom In and Generate-Sort-Connect-Elaborate).  The lessons are detailed and include an overview, timing guide, … Continue reading

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