Tag Archives: Transformations

Cooperative Learning Lessons – Markham

Team Building Lesson – Zoom Overview and Objectives: In a collaborative classroom, team building is an essential component of success. Students need to work together and support one another to truly function as a team while problem solving and learning … Continue reading

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CBCI Unit Plan – Markham

The following reflects an outline for an Algebra unit on factoring that was developed using CBCI philosophies as outlined in Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom by Lynn Erickson, Lois Lanning, and Rachel French.   Unit Title: Factoring: … Continue reading

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MTV Strategy Based Lesson Plans_Heller

This blog post contains two lesson plans intended for Algebra I classrooms. The lessons can be adapted for similar topics in pre-algebra or Algebra II with moderate alterations. The two thinking strategies that I chose to highlight are the See-Think-Wonder … Continue reading

Posted in Making Thinking Visible | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 20 Comments