Category Archives: Misc

CBCI Strategy – Burtis

The following blog reflects a big departure from how I have done things in the past! Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks. After going through the readings for class, I was compelled to look at how I go about teaching. … Continue reading

Posted in Concept-Based, Misc | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

Hickman- CBCI

Unit Title- Succeeding in the 21st Century: What does it mean to earn a degree? Conceptual Lens- Options Unit Strands- Exposure, Redefining, Narrowing Down Unit Web- This unit, focusing on degrees and the 21st century employee, will fall as an … Continue reading

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MTV Strategies – Burtis

This blog is about starting, finishing, and the thinking involved in each. It contains two lessons plans utilizing MTV strategies. One is an introductory lesson for an Algebra 3 class, while the other is a review session for an Algebra … Continue reading

Posted in Making Thinking Visible, Misc | Tagged , , , , , | 14 Comments

MTV Lessons- Hickman

Think-Puzzle-Explore: College  (pg. 71-77) For this lesson I plan to ask students, what do you think you know about college? What puzzles you about college? And how can we explore answers to our questions. This lesson allows students to connect … Continue reading

Posted in Misc | 9 Comments

Example Post: Trouble with Science Education

This week’s blog is going to: 1. Talk about my concerns/struggles with science teaching 2. What I can do to overcome these struggles 3. Side of Botany My Concerns/Struggles with Science Teaching             1. This … Continue reading

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