BIII-03: Composting On a Large Scale

For our research we wanted to examine the issues with the nitrogen cycle and how that was related to chemical fertilizers. This ended up turning into a closer look at composting and how this can be used to combat both environmental issues and food waste. We conducted our work through some basic field work and analyzing current literature on the subjects of composting, chemical and organic fertilizers, and food waste. The research question that we have asked is, How can composting and organic fertilizing methods in general be used to offset issues caused by traditional chemical fertilizing practices as well as food waste.Some of our major findings included that one of the major barriers to composting on a large scale is that most produce is prepackaged which would provide more labor and an extra step when it would come time to begin the composting process. This research project, while not particularly relevant to our intended careers, has been a valuable learning experience for all of us.

Presenter(s): Ella Morales, Zoology Major
Monsol Cole-Kweli, Computer Science Major
Jack Reed, Computer Science Major
Sarah Jarvis, Computer Science Major

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