B68: Investigation on the Use of Music as a Relief Mechanism for People Under Social Distress With an Emphasis on Latin America

The social injustice and inequality experienced by Latin American people is a major issue reflected in society that deserves to be addressed. Latin American music artists including but not limited to Wayna Rap, Nación Rap, and Immortal Kultura have been addressing these issues through the lyrics of their songs. Music artists spread the message of pride in one’s history and culture in a global context through their popularity and ability to connect with their fans and the public as a whole. With that being said, music can be used not only to bring awareness to the inequality and social distress of spanish-speaking cultures but also to provide Latin American people relief from the emotional distress that results from this phenomenon. Music can help to reduce levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone in the human body while also increasing the levels of the love hormone oxytocin. Using music to connect those from other countries to Latin American culture can help to alleviate the racial and social inequalities they experience due to stereotyping and lack of understanding of the historical impacts of these cultures in society today. It is the hope that the messages Latin American Artists integrate into their music can change the way society responds to adversity while simultaneously bringing physical and mental relief to Latin Americans themselves.

Authors: Izzy Signorino, Sean Melligan

Advisor: Caroline Shipley, Spanish

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