B59: What is the connection between Misuse of ADHD Medications and Drinking Habits Amongst College Students?

One in 6 students in college misuse stimulant ADHD medications. Prescription stimulants and ADHD diagnoses are on the rise, yet many students use these medications even if they are not diagnosed. ADHD stimulant medications can intensify alcohol effects, however, it is unknown the correlation between being diagnosed with ADHD, taking stimulant medications, and types of drinking. This particular cocktail could lead to increased alcohol-related negative consequences. Therefore the purpose of this study is to see how the misuse of ADHD stimulant medication affects drinking habits. Misuse of stimulant drugs can be defined as “taking a medication in a manner or dose other than prescribed; taking someone else’s prescription, even if for a legitimate medical complaint; or taking a medication to feel euphoria” (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2022). This study will be collecting data through the Student Health Survey which is an online survey of college students from a midsized, midwestern college. The data will be measured by asking whether or not students have been diagnosed with ADHD, whether or not they taking ADHD medications, and comparing these answers with questions about their drinking habits such as how often and to what extent they drink. The expected findings are that people who are abusing prescription stimulants will report consuming more alcohol more often and have alcohol-related problems. This study is important because the use of stimulant medications such as Adderall and Ritalin are not recommended to use while drinking, yet more and more students do. The effects that these medications have on drinking habits affect many students and it is important to note the addictive personality that may come along with ADHD and the importance of avoiding these habit formations.

Author: Angelina Fichtner, Kinesiology and Psychology

Advisor: Rose Marie Ward, Kinesiology, Nutrition and Health

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